I’m European and most nations here have 14 yo as the minimum age for consent, although I’m not advocating for statuatory rape and i don’t cheer at a minor going out with someone alot more older than them, it sounds like in most cases, such a high age for consent does more harm than good.

  1. The age of consent is 18 in fifteen states according to wikipedia. That’s 30% of states.

  2. If there’s no significant age differential or power imbalance, I don’t have an issue with 14. I’d have less of an issue with 16. Not too keen on seeing a 14 yo dating a 65 yo in any mix of genders…

  3. Well I guess to start you’re wrong about *most* states being 18, but we all vote for our laws so if you’re saying you don’t cheer on a minor going out with a grown man then shouldn’t that be understanding enough?

    I think it’s as simple as most Americans don’t agree with a 50 year old man having sex with a 14 year old.

  4. >it sounds like in most cases, such a high age for consent does more harm than good.

    I don’t consider our ages of consent to be “high” at all. it seems to generally work for us. of course there’s no perfect number, but governments have to draw a line somewhere & 16-18 is a good line.

    18 year olds are considered adults in the US. generally, they’re done with high school, moving out of their parents’ house, and gaining rights and responsibilities as an independent adult. 14 year olds are children.

    Our ages of consent are not seen as doing more harm than good, and I’m curious why you have that impression.

  5. Explain to me why you think a grown adult should be allowed to sleep with a child. Because 14 is a child and any adult who’s interested in sex with them is disgusting.

  6. My reading [of the table on this page](https://www.ageofconsent.net/continent/europe) is that most European countries have it higher than 14.

    Even so, it’s confusing and must be read cautiously. For example, it says 14 for Germany with no close in age exception, but if my reading [of this Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Germany) is correct, there really is a close in age exception, and a person over 21 having sex with a 14yo could be charged if they take advantage of the younger persons “lack of capacity for sexual self-determination”, whatever that means.

  7. OP made an assumption without fact checking first. I believe the perception OP had stems that tv shows and movies are made in California, and there it is 18.

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