My girlfriend pf 5 years cheated on me with her best friend’s boyfriend. She told me “You have to kiss the wrong person to know that you are with right one”. Abd basically just tried playing the victim card. My concern is, I want to tell her best friend, but I’m not sure if that’s my responsibility.

  1. Oh my god are you serious? Not sure if it’s your responsibility? Why don’t you just forgive your girl and pretend like nothing ever happened while you’re at it. Scorched earth baby, I would have already told her best friend.

  2. She stabbed both you and her best friend in the back with no remorse, then tried justifying it. This girl will never learn unless she hits rock bottom… tell her friend, dump her, and sleep well knowing you did the right thing.

  3. Update: she is currently begging me not to tell her friend and that it’s not my truth to tell. Should I just not do it?

  4. tell her she’s an idiot and shouldn’t have had to cheat to know she loves you. then, tell her best friend. after that, break up with her useless ass and get a nice meal for urself.

    sorry about this. sucks to see decent people catch strays from inconsiderates.

  5. My man, always try to do the right thing. Whether it’s for your sake or for other’s. The right thing to do here is to let her friend know what happened. She deserves to know what her “friend” and bf have done behind her back. You aren’t telling her to hurt her, you are telling her to save her more pain in the future. She may not want to hear it now, and she may “shoot the messenger” but it’s the right thing regardless.

    My wife of 5 years has been unfaithful and is begging me not to tell anyone. My family loves her to death, I think my parents might actually love her more than me. But I think they ought to know what kind of person she really is, before they waste another moment adoring her or spending money on her.

  6. Absolutely tell them. I recently told my friends boyfriend that she was cheating on him and I dont regret it a single bit. They will find out eventually, and will hate you for not telling them. If it was you would you want to know?

  7. Tell her best friend after you remove her from your life completely. According to her logic, she can just keep sleeping with any man to say they are all wrong for her.

  8. What you need to do is call the best friend and tell her to just listen and put the phone in your pocket or jacket without letting your cheating gf knowing, and proceed to trick her to say that she banged the best friend bf

  9. Revenge is sweetest of all nectars.

    She doesn’t mind ruing relationships she’s built for years. I think she won’t mind hurting her best friend either.

    Want me to do it for you?

  10. You know them. Would they want to know? Most likely yes. Most people would want to know. I was dating a guy for a year and a half who told me he was in the process of a divorce, slept with him in his bed and everything. Said his soon to be ex wife slept in a different room and they were just like roommates at thsi point but he didn’t want to move out cuz then she wouldn’t let him see the kid be raised since he was like a year old and he was saving money to get his own place. Turns out it was all lies. Anyway, my friends told me I should tell her, so I did because i would also want to know if I were her.

    She told me I wasn’t the only one and almost 4 years later they are still married. What she chose to do with the info is her business but she does deserve ro know. Who knows who else is having sex with them. They deserve to know so they can get tested and figure out if they want ro choose to stay or not.

  11. Let her friend know for sure, put yourself in the friends shoes. You would want to know right?

  12. Wait…”You got to kiss a few bad ones to find the right one?” Damn, if you want to test drive all the makes and models, don’t committed to one before doing so. Dude, run. It’s only going to get worse. She’s going to keep playing the field, and never commit to anything more than keeping you as a back up plan.

  13. Tell everyone and walk away. Block her on everything.

    “Takes you kissing the wrong to let me know I wasted time on the wrong one too.

  14. I’d want to know. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You have to kiss the right person to know. The right person makes you only want to kiss them, and them alone.

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