What is your favorite vegetable and how do you like it prepared?

  1. I love sliced up cucumbers as a vessel to shovel hummus in my mouth.

    But are looking for more “cooked” answers I’d say well seasoned sautéed green beans with sliced almonds for some more texture!

  2. Asparagus, roasted in oil, lemon juice, and parmesan. Thinking about it had my mouth watering

  3. Brussels sprouts. I chop them in half and toss with olive oil, put them on a cookie sheet and bake them until crispy crunchy. Sprinkle with salt and a really good balsamic reduction (my favorite is from trader Joe’s)

  4. – Bok choy, steamed with chili sauce on the side, paired with any rice dishes
    – broccoli, stir-fried, added to mac&cheese
    – asparagus, mixed in with a bit of butter and garlic
    – cabbage in kimchis

  5. I love steamed broccoli with some salt. I also really like beets too. Just warmed up I guess. I’ve only had beets from a can

  6. Steamed whole artichoke. Peel off leaves and enjoy those in melted butter sauce before revealing the tender heart…

  7. Cucumber with lemon and a little salt. Ultimate lazy guilt free snack and great for anyone with a sensitive stomach.

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