Not sure how long Ill be in the dating stage with this guy. We have been on 5-6 dates with one on friday but based on how tonights conversation went Im anticipating him canceling.

He feels interrogated when I ask questions related to how he seese me, how he shows other people around him that he cares about him, etc.

He said “Dude……..I am still not sure if I want to be in a relationship with you and thats valid – ”

Proceeds to explain thats the whole point of dating. However, would you date someone you dont see yourself with?

Idk any takes are welcome. Ive already deleted photos and booted up a dating app. Im not sure id want to be his girlfriend if getting to know you feels like being interrogated.

  1. In my experience, dating is a series of random variables and it’s always best to go with your gut instinct.

  2. He called you “dude”? Ghost this guy. One of two things are going through his mind. He’s only interested in “slap & tickle” or he’s just not that attracted to you.

  3. 5 dates is not that much to expect a relationship. Maybe confirm exclusivity, but not expect to be his girlfriend. You might scare him off if you push it too hard.

  4. After 30 seconds of seeing someone I know if I’m physically into them enough to date. After a couple hours of talking I generally have a good enough idea to know if there’s enough common interests. After 3 dates I’d feel pretty confident of what I’m open to in regards of intimacy

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