Does it change? I become a lot more talkative and more open with other. What about you lot?

  1. I find something switches from being reserved to the I’m a one person show and the ringleader

  2. Yes 100%.

    When my girl friends and I go out to bars, we will pre game which helps a lot because otherwise I’m soooo awkward and anxious 😰

  3. I get very kissy and flirty; I also tend to be emotional; I get very talkative and speak English (English isn’t my first language), basically anything opposite of my sober personality

  4. My social anxiety lightens up a lottttt so I become way more talkative and expressive. I definitely feel happier too.

  5. My personality doesn’t change, I don’t drink, but when I do, I’m a “tired drunk”, all I wanna do is go to sleep.

  6. After a few drinks not that much just a little less in my head and my body and mind more relaxed

  7. I go from quietly wanting something in me to vocally expressing those same desires 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. My social anxiety temporarily turns off and I become friendlier and refuse to shut up. However… I’m also prone to becoming more emotional because any kind of filter seems to be gone for the time being.

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