Hello, I’ve decided i’d vent/share here, maybe i am asking for some opinions as well not quite sure yet?
To give you some backstory, I had sex for the first time Halloween weekend, last October.
It was with a stranger, but very fun experience and he was fun and respectful.
First time it felt bit uncomfortable, obviously being penetrated first and feeling so full, but it didn’t end up hurting me.
And I came to the conclusion, must be because i was doing a lot of masturbating and different sex toys, and just exploring my body when the world was on a lockdown.

But yeah that experience sparked my hormones up, and as right now i’m not really looking for something serious, just wanna bit fool around and have some fun, so I went on Tinder.
Matched with a guy on Tinder, who on his status, was also looking for someone to have fun with.
So we talked for about a week, etc, and then finally this Tuesday we met up.

Met up in public first, got to talking and then i went back to his place.
Had a drink with him, we put some good music on, and ended up fucking, and had around 2 rounds that night.
He was very careful about using protection, was asking me if i am okay, and we don’t have do anything i don’t want to do.
We had quite lot of same kinks in common, and it ended up being really fun and hot as fuck.
But i ended up noticing, during sex it felt like i had to pee, because the feeling was so intense and i think he picked up on it because he asked me ”have i done this before” and i said ”yes” because that’s not a lie and i have done other stuff before sex.
But i googled that and it’s apparently very common with women, and i need to train with my pelvic muscles or something like that.
But i was not able to come during sex because of that feeling like peeing, even though i went to the bathroom before sex and always after sex because we don’t want any UTis.
He made me come though no worries haha, just with something else.
I slept over, and next morning he dropped me off at the subway station.
Later that day, I had noticed he had unfollowed me which made me bit disappointed as I was kinda looking for Fwb and he was looking for that too.
I asked him about it and he told me ”Yeah i just don’t think we sexually match” which i gotta say honestly hurt, made me feel fucking used, i don’t know why but I think why i felt that way, was because we literally had same kinks and i made him come too.
Is it because of my ”lack of experience”? To clarify, i’m not that upset over this anymore, and yes everyone’s opinions are valid and he is allowed to express himself, if that’s the way he felt but it was ”wait what” moment there.
Anyhow to end up with this venting, or not quite sure what to call this, does any women here have any advice? Have they experienced the same thing during sex, feeling like they need to pee? Is it really that big of a thing if i am a little unexperienced?

  1. He’s the only one who can tell you. Maybe he’s already catching feelings and doesn’t want to, who knows?

  2. Pretty sure we’ll be not talking again, i just meant by sharing this experience, is it really bad thing to be a little unexperienced as i’m exploring sex? I know the world is full of jerks but still.

  3. How do you know you have the same kinks? I mean, I presume there are things that you did together that you both liked, but I’m guessing you didn’t sit down for a whole deep conversation about what you each like and even if you did lots of people aren’t totally open on the first encounter.

    Most likely in my estimation, he inferred from something about you or the sex that other unmentioned kinks of his would work for the two of you, and he’s not interested in more than a ONS with someone who isn’t compatible in that respect.

  4. Well being inexperienced isn’t a bad thing as long as you’re having fun maybe try telling the guy that this is what it is so nobody catches feelings. Having sex with a stranger is a fantasy that is hot I’ve done it once before myself and it was intense. With a stranger you can explore kinks that you wouldn’t do with someone you know because you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out your secrets.

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