My sister and this man have been together for a year, and they were very happy together and I really liked him. He made her happy so I’m happy ofc. I did suspect something which I told her, I saw a baby seat in his car and told her about it, she asked him about it and he said it was his sisters baby seat she was “borrowing” the car. My sister also saw wedding rings in his car and asked about them and he claimed they were his grandparents. Just yesterday while her man was at work (they stay with his parents) the parents came in the talk to her about him and mentioned his ex wife and baby child. She blew up on them understandably because he did not disclose he was married and that he had a child. She called me to get her from his house, so I did. He thinks it’s a joke, he called her on her phone laughing and saying “it doesn’t matter” and he’s not in the kids life, neither the ex wife’s but my sister is heart broken and isn’t talking to him and claims she’s not going to get back with him after a whole year of lying. I’m just wondering anyones thoughts on the situation?

  1. If he’s not in the kids life he’s a total piece of shit and tell your sister to dump the loser.

  2. He lied for a year. How he treats his ex and kid shows the kind of person he is and how he will treat any potential ex partner he has a kid with. The fact he finds it amusing is repulsive.

    Edit: added a word

  3. I would be more concerned if she took him back knowing he’s a dead beat willing to abandoned a child he had when he was actually married !

  4. Uhm, I hope your sister never speaks to this man again.

    Hiding a previous ex-wife and children… that is something that cannot be hidden forever. It will be exposed one way or another.

    Quite the messed up thing to view it as a ‘not important’ type detail, so I don’t have to disclose that information…

    Hides something like that? Who knows which other parts of him is not genuine.

  5. Similar situation happened to me. I found out where the ex wife worked, went to talk to her. He had been sleeping with her while they were “working stuff out” the whole time. Also found out he had been married and had another child before her in Japan (army guy). Tell your sister to run.

  6. I dated a guy who told me he was divorced. He was not.

    The marriage wasn’t happy, far from it, and she knew he was attempting to date which she was “OK with” but she kept up wifely activities and he wouldn’t leave – just avoided it and, when I started putting pieces together, bitched about his “helplessness.”

    I cannot understand why or how this happens, OP. I imagine your sister’s situation is similar.

    Support her. This will take a lot of time to unpack. There’s a lot for her to learn her, that will help her in future relationships, but she needs to be nice to herself.

  7. I am a father, to hear him laughing about not being in his 🧬 da life. I would be destroyed if I did have my daughters in my life. Not worth losing sleep over him. There is a reason he is living with his parents.

  8. He’s a deadbeat loser that lied to her for a year. She did the right thing. What’s there to discuss?

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