So we (me 20m, she 20f) have known each other for little over a year now and she is my best friend. We bonded really quickly and reached a very deep intimacy, knowing things about each other no one else does. 1 month ago, after a night of cuddling, we had a talk and turns out that my feeling is reciprocated. So we’ve been kinda dating, spending even more time together and all was good until she kissed me. Last week she kissed me. After that we realised that we were basically already in a relationship and she said she was scared to call it relationship. Yesterday she told me she wants to keep things just friendly cause she doesn’t feel ready for a relationship, but specified that all the things she had said and done were sincere (so like when she told me about feeling butterflies when I kiss her shoulder, she was sincere and honest). So we kinda just froze things, but she remained open saying “maybe after some time…”. She even noted that keeping things friendly just implies avoiding cuddles, so in a way it’s like we have a kind of relationship nonetheless. I am really scared of ruining things now, especially because she didn’t want to take some time to think, but actually said “next time I see you I’m gonna hug you”. How should I act around her? I think the best thing I can do is just wait and see how things go, but I am so afraid of seeing things getting worse and worse. I already cried enough

TLDR: I (20M) fell in love with my best friend (20M). The feeling is reciprocated, but she wants to keep things friendly cause she is not ready for a relationship

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