What are green flag jobs for women?

  1. Anything that’s relatively stable that can support her? Something with room to advance? Benefits like health and 401k? Same for men.

  2. 1. A job that that isn’t sex work, influencer or Onlyfans.

    2. A job that is stable that is able to support your life.

    As long as it’s not #1 it doesn’t matter what type of job it is.

  3. I found every single women who went into STEM has been shockingly likable. I know this one chick who studies Paleoanthropology and my god she is a delight to be around. I could listen to her talk about ancient humans for hours.

  4. If she works with children, especially if they are like really young. Those women have the biggest hearts.

  5. Stable/Secure industries that we will always need: Healthcare, Government, Education.

    Someone who doesn’t settle for minimum/living wage.

  6. I don’t think they really exist. Plenty of published evidence has demonstrated that men don’t really care what women do for a living, nor do they care about income too much. Other attributes are heavily valued over career that career barely makes a mark.

    As long as it’s not actual sex work (even stripping and cam showing has not shown signficant backlash from males) I would say they are all green.

  7. A job that supports the lifestyle she wants to live. Living near DC has led me into too many dates where the woman is scraping by on some low pay non profit, supported by family.

  8. Stable jobs are green flags for me. I try not to put too much emphasis on the type and more on how stable and consistent it is. The only types I don’t don’t consider green are any and all sex work, ride share driver and or food delivery like Uber eats.

  9. Any job where she wants to talk about it for hours. The nerdier, the better.

    Nothing beats a woman with passion for what she does.

  10. Green flag:
    Physician, STEM, librarian, teacher

    Red flag:
    OnlyFans, HR, Social worker, artist, singer, dancer

  11. I look for a woman who does meaningful work. My current lady is a therapist, who helps people cope with severe trauma. I’m incredibly proud of what she’s chosen to do with her life. Never thought I’d care until I met her.

  12. Something in the field she’s passionate about. But preferably not like a gas station cashier and definitely not sex work

  13. Any occupation that she qualified and capable of doing. I have worked with a multitude of women doing a vast array of jobs and had those that fit the bill and those I couldn’t wait for their departure. And the same goes for males as well.

  14. Stay at home mom! I’d hate for my wife to have to subject herself to the work industry. She loves what she does and I’m glad to make it that way

  15. ….. any legal job , if she’s out there doing anything in an attempt to support herself or her family that’s a green flag

  16. Nurse.

    Capable as fuck, medical-geek, plus scrubs make anyone look as adorable as a greyhound in pyjamas omg. Especially with like a skivvy underneath.

  17. Honestly I think men and women both should be offended by this question if asked about their gender’s jobs being a “green/red flag”… a job is a job and we should look at an individual’s character both in and outside of work regardless of industry or job choice.

  18. My personal favorites are something engineering, computing, or science-related. Love me a STEM girl. Alternatively something blue collar (welder, electrician, mechanic, etc). Idk there’s something about a woman who is confident in what she likes to do and is passionate about it. Like yes baby tell me all about those dimes you laid down with the welder today. Maybe this is just because I’m also an engineer and programmer who has been around a bunch of dudes this whole time lol

  19. Anything involving physical labor. Farming, ranching, construction, pipe fitter, welder, etc.

  20. OP: Why are you asking what profession you should go into based on what men want?

    Nothing wrong with dentistry. These lads need cavities filled anyway.

  21. I think at some point everyone should wait tables, be a berista, deliver pizza or work some tipped costumer service job. My dad used to say he wouldn’t date someone who hasn’t waited tables before and so far its been great advice.

  22. The smarter the woman the bigger the freak she is. Don’t go on a date with a PhD unless you plan on marrying her. Gonna ruin all other women for you.

    Don’t tell say I didn’t warn you.

  23. Anything but instagram model, influencer, Sugar-baby, or p*rn.

    Everything else is a green flag From CEO to janitor.

  24. Not necessarily a job, but a passion for SOMETHING. Nothing is worse than dating someone who is content just floating through life.

  25. Legitimately any job as long as it doesn’t make her hate life, it doesn’t push her into being a bad person and its hours don’t prevent us from spending time with eachother. It really comes down to who she is as a person, not her job (so that obviously excludes those working in predatory jobs/industries)

    But as for the jobs of some of the women I have entered into a relationship with, or gone on dates with and have enjoyed spending time with:

    – PhD student x 2 (1x chemistry (my ex), 1x nutrition)

    – Lawyer working for a government organisation (current girlfriend)

    – Retail worker

    – Cabinet maker

    Women I have met who I would have gone out with in a heartbeat (not generally, but specific women):

    – Vet

    – Teacher

    – Doctor

    – Psychologist

    – Lollipop lady

  26. For my wife, it was a career. She had goals and aspiration that weren’t “be in a relationship” or “be a wife/mom” and it was extremely refreshing.

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