I recently started hanging out with one of my friends after my last breakup and fast forward a month and a half of hanging out and talking she texted our mutual friend that she wanted me to ask her to be my gf. A couple days later I asked her to be my gf and she said yes, then I said we gotta kiss to make it official (as that was how my first kiss was also). She said maybe next time. originally i thought it was me but she told our friend that she was just very nervous because she’s never kissed anyone before and didn’t know how to. That’s exactly how I was when my first kiss happened except I got pulled in and told to shut up. But anyway, i’m pretty sure I have to take the lead on initiating the first kiss, but i don’t know how, in all my past relationships the girl has always initiated it because they are more experienced. How should I go upon doing this? Im just more nervous of making her uncomfortable,

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