I thought I was a lesbian for most of my life but now I realize I’m clearly not. I still give my guys blow jobs all the time but really really don’t enjoy it. But I also prefer sex with guys more than girls bc intercourse is just the most convenient way to fuck. Also, nobody has ever been able to give me orgasm except me which makes me nervous having sex with woman bc that’s the goal when you’re with another girl and I don’t want to disappoint.

  1. I have the same problem. I don’t like the taste of cum but I will keep a clean napkin to wipe my mouth from time to time and continue giving the BJ.

  2. So something I tell guys with death grip might be relevant to you. I’m thinking that you can instruct the guy or gal – get yourself ‘*almost there*’ and then have the guy/gal finish. Keep moving that point backwards until they’re doing it all on their own.

    You could also try to get yourself there while the guy/gal are helping you, so that’s an option too.

  3. I cant speak to much of your post, but to reduce the flavor of cum I try to have it aimed underneath my tongue and not on top. Doesn’t touch as many taste buds that way, and then swallow quickly. (Though you could choose to spit). Having a decent amount of saliva built-up also dilutes it.

    I don’t like the taste either but I still prefer to swallow versus spitting because the smell is frankly worse than the taste imo. 😂 I do enjoy giving oral, though.

  4. If you don’t enjoy it, then you don’t have to do it. Idk if it can be an acquired taste, I’ve loved giving BJs from the very beginning (extremely strong oral fixation), but if I seriously don’t enjoy something, then I won’t do it in the bedroom. Your partner’s pleasure matters, true, but so does yours. Sex shouldn’t be an unpleasant thing. I’ve had partners that wanted to give me facials, but I don’t enjoy them, so I say no. Simple as that. Focus on things that you both enjoy instead.

    As for being nervous about not being able to orgasm: inform them ahead of time. Let them know that you don’t usually orgasm during sex, but you enjoy yourself regardless and the objective doesn’t have to be making you cum, just having a good time. I’ve had to tell a lot of people that myself since I don’t cum very easily.

  5. Would a flavored condom make any difference at all in your enjoyment of giving blow jobs, or do you just hate it in general?

  6. I’ve found that if I focus more on taking it slowly with a blowjob rather than hyperfixating on his orgasm I enjoy it more. I also really used to hate the taste but I’ve gotten used to it over time and also keep a few tissues on hand to wipe my mouth now and then.
    As for your orgasms, I just suggest incorporating a vibrator into your sex if you don’t already.

  7. Many girls won’t give blowjobs. You’re not unusual. If you don’t like it, don’t. It’s that simple.

  8. Advice from a guy:
    There’s multiple angles to this that should help some. 1st the taste of the guys cum depends heavily on his diet and what he’s eaten and drank in the last couple of hours beforehand. Little trick i learned that if he drinks a natural sweet drink such as pineapple juice 30 minutes beforehand the taste isn’t as bitter. (According to my wife). He should also avoid alcohol, caffeine and carbonated beverages.
    2nd for women that don’t like giving blow jobs to consider. In many of these instances, it’s generally because they have some past trauma involving being forced to perform oral sex against their will. For anyone that has happened to please let me say as a man I’m sorry that was done to you, you deserved better and he had no right to do that to you.
    Finally many men simply take to long to climax – I was one of those types- and every woman will tell you how frustrating it is and its not easy to try to give a bj for 20 minutes. There’s two causes for this. 1st the guy doesn’t want to offend you and has developed a mental block of sorts which causes him to hold back and not come. Encouraging him by telling him how much you want him to will help.
    And finally, and I mean no insult ladies, but many of you are not very good at giving them. Quiet frankly, that’s the guys fault too. Most women are too embarrassed to ask for guidance and most men are too afraid to give it. So here’s your chance to take notes ladies straight advice on how to give great blowhobs that will make a guy come fast and hard.
    Don’t just Bob your head up and down. It’s about stimulating his penis and mind not about jacking him off with your head. Use two hands. Cup and gently playing with his balls with your fingers adds to the stimulation and helps speed things along. The rim along the head of his penis and the line running along the underside of his penis are the two most sensitive areas. Running your tongue UPwards along this line towards the head stimulates and guides the build-up towards the exit. Using your other hand to stroke his penis with a gentle but firmtwisting motion that randomly includes the head of the penis also considerably adds to the stimulation; and ladies PLEASE use your tongues! Use the same tongue motions you would use when sucking on a sucker and piece of hard candy. When you combine all of these motions together In a constant fluid motion the sensations are AMAZING and very effective. Finally, don’t be afraid to make eye contact. We love to watch you sulking our dicks; making eye contact and at least some effort to smile and a little encouraging comment on how much you want him to come for you, Should cause a huge orgasm.
    For the record my wife could bring me to orgasm in under three minutes. If this helps your issue i do accept thank you’s and money orders. Feel free to message me about more advice or honest guy opinions.

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