Dear community,
I submit to you my little story, hopping I will get some advices and your point of view.
I want to stress out that I am French, so if I misuse some words/expressions, I apologize in advance.

Context :
I (25,F) work in an average shop in Paris for over a year. From time to time, I received advances from clients since I work in a commercial field.
I used to find some excuses or to play dumb to avoid akward moments (I am not at eased with men in general, too shy, and it will never change).

Few months back, I met a gorgeous Man (yes … Man in capital letter), totally my type, with bright eyes, perfect hair and all that.
He hit on me, and I pretended I wasn’t interested. At the time, I had a BF and even if I didn’t, I still find it akward to “date a client”.

My story :
Yesterday I, somehow, found out his full name and his social network accounts, since he is a client in my shop. I admit : I searched his name on our customer database, out of curiosity (trully) because it’s been a while since I saw him.

My question is : do you find it weird/akward if someone contact you through one of your social media account like that, to hit on you ?
Would you be bothered ?
I was not supposed to used the customer database, but I did it out on an impulsion.

Some precisions :
I am now single.
He really did hit on me, more than once.
I am about to quit my job now.
I did not yet contact him.

If you need more informations, feel free to ask.

Thanks you very much !

  1. Life is too short. Just hit on him. The worst that could happen is to find out he is in a relationship. But you will never know if you don’t contact him.

  2. Not sure about French laws, but in the UK you could be fired for reaching out to him from the way you found his name.

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