29f. I’m Literally dead down there. I felt it going the past few months, and now it’s just *poof* gone. I get an occasional feeling rarely, but it never lasts long. I have been going through some things, but even when I’ve been feeling good it’s still not there. I’ve also had tubal removal, but considering it was going before that happened I don’t know how much to blame on that.
I’ve also been without anyone physically in months. Especially just being close and intimate, and that’s more like years.

I’ve had dry spells before, but this just feels different. Especially since before it was declining I’ve had spells Literally craving it.
I really don’t find any enjoyment when I try to do anything.

Anyone else been through something similar? Cause it feels like it’s just straight up gone for good.

  1. Maybe it’s just age related libido change? I haven’t been particularly motivated to have sex myself since circa 25-27ish and I won’t get turned on anymore unless I’m really close to somebody, but even then it just doesn’t feel the same.

  2. Only 15% of women have spontaneous desire; 85% have responsive desire… look this up and see if it helps… not sure if you’re also not into sex when stimulated or when given the opportunity

  3. If you can’t find anything wrong that can be fixed..
    then you could just be Greysexual..

    Sometimes we might want it, crave it, initiate it (rare)..

    We don’t want it, think about it, talk about it (most of the time)

    Can get repulsed by the thought or mention of it (not ever or occasionally sometimes)

    Could live without it, sex is not the main part of being intimate (for sure)

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