(22m) Started chatting with a girl through a dating app and she gave me her Instagram. Will she think im weird for having no posts and under 100 followers on IG? I don’t even have my face as my profile pic. I just never really got into IG, but I have no problem using it to talk to her. I post on my story and send memes to friends now and then. Do I need to maybe give her a disclaimer like “hey I dont really use it thats why I have no posts but I yea ill add you”? She has a few pics of herself on hers and a lot more followers so I was thinking maybe something about that dynamic will make her uncomfortable?

  1. You have followers? JK don’t worry about it. Not everybody uses IG. The only people that would care are immature and not worth caring about.

  2. If you start off with trying to defend yourself for no reason then it instantly make you seem suspicious of something. If she asks about why there’s not much then sure, explain that you barely use it.

    Or better yet, just ask for her number so you can text/call her.

  3. As someone who hates social media I don’t think it’s weird. I don’t have any of that stuff. Reddit is as far as I go.

  4. You don’t justify yourself, it makes you look insecure. And insecurity is unattractive.

    With girls everything you do must be the cool thing, if you don’t use instagram that’s the cool thing, regardless of what everyone, including her, says.

    You need to hold the frame that your way of looking at life is the cool, normal and acceptable way of looking at life.

    So it’s not weird( because you should act like it’s not weird, and to do that you just not justify yourself because if you justify yourself by saying “that’s why i have no post or too many followers” then you are accepting the frame that you are not cool, that your situation is weird, and thus fail.

    If she asks: “Why don’t you have posts?”

    You just joke: “Cuz i’m a government secret agent and need to keep a low profile for my next mission”

    Her: Haha But seriously why no post?

    You: Because

    She: Fair enough

    If she doesn’t ask about it, then don’t even talk about it.

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