As a Ukrainian Canadian, I want to especially celebrate the men of Ukraine, as well as others who are living and fighting in wars around the world, who continue to fight an imperialistic force besieging their country, and showing bravery, compassion, strength, and humour through it all.

On that note, I’d also like to highlight that men of conscription age aren’t able to leave Ukraine without special exceptions. That many of the civilians who were targeted and murdered by the Russian army were men, that Russia forcibly conscripted men in the occupied territories and now in their own country, and that treatment male refugees across every conflict continues to be appalling. All people should have the right to flee war zones and other disasters, especially when they are often the targets for human rights abuses.

Happy men’s day, and to any other Ukrainians, Слава Україні!

  1. “MEN BAD and if you disagree then you must be a misogynist”


    Just pretending to be a user from the subs TwoXChoromoes and FDS

    Men’s mental health is a issue but I’ve mentioned that in depth like 5 times in this subreddit. Don’t want to do it again.

  2. I’d like to celebrate Matthew mcconaughey for opening up about being sexually abused. Incredibly difficult to do at the best of times but as a hollywood star and as a male it make it 10000 times harder.

    Thank you for showing the world that boys and men can get sexually abused too.

  3. An issue that’s personal for me is men being near children. I use to work at a preschool, a school, and as a Group Leader for the YMCA. All of that is to say that I worked with a lot of kids. I am objectively good with kids, but I am so limited to demonstrate that. What I think is super funny is the teachers and coworkers I had never accused or assumed I had any bad intentions with the kids, it’s always the parents or other people who aren’t involved. You don’t just “luck” your way into those jobs. I had to do fingerprints and pay for background checks every time. I had to go to trainings. I have proof that I am safe, but people always assume men just want to rape kids. I’m training to be a counselor right now and, honestly, I would like to work with kids, but I know I can’t do that unless I always have a woman in the room with me or a security camera or something. When you bring it up, people say how bad it is, but then they don’t try to change anything. Some even try to justify it.

    I want to shout out my dad. My dad is basically an older version of me and I love him for it. Most of the kids I worked with loved me. How did I get them to like me? I just did what I thought my dad would do.

  4. Almost every issue that women have (eg body image, assault, etc…), men have too. It seems wrong to make many issues just those of women. But men can’t talk about these problems without being called a MRA.

  5. Men are just as complicated as women and just as emotional. Emotions are strong things and you should never belittle the emotions they are feeling. Even if you can’t understand them

  6. We need to talk about toxic masculinity and how it cripples the ability of men to seek help for both physical and mental health issues.

  7. I want to highlight how unfair divorce and child custody laws are to men. There’s a 50% divorce rate and 90% of divorces are wanted by the woman – that means a 45% chance as a man your wife will dump you and want the kids and house AND the way the law has been set up (by women advocating for it) means she will be favoured by law after she decides to dump you. This is because the law caters to women’s life situations (being the main carer and lower earner) and doesn’t value what men do, also the courts themselves are biased against men in these rulings.

    I also want to point out that gender quotas in industry are wrong and there is nothing wrong with male dominated fields or companies as women have the opportunity to make female dominated companies as well.

    In the same vein womens sports leagues should not be expected to be funded by men’s sports leagues. How about making an original sports league for once instead of just attaching a copy cat womens league to an already successful mens league and insisting men fund it or they’re misogynistic?

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