So i am 24 years old and live at home. I work full time and have my own car. I have not moved out yet. I’m dying to have my own place but i just haven’t because in the city I live the rent is high, and I am not financially able to buy a home.

My family is *hispanic* and like many other minorities, I come from a traditional household.

My parents judge my every move and are very opinionated and honest, in a rude way. My family is not abusive or necessarily bad, but they are just super judgmental of me and the people i date… they say many things and talk to me different when they don’t approve.

I have had my fair share of boyfriends. I’ve been single and I’ve had phases of dating. They’re super judgmental. They’ve destroyed my self esteem and have ruined many of my potential relationships all because they didn’t approve of the other person. It’s hard to block out the forms of judgment from them.

After having been single for a bit I recently met someone who seems pretty awesome so far. He’s a nice guy and although it’s still early on, he is great.

After getting to know this guy, I realized how much he and I both value privacy and tbh honestly like, have sex in a bed rather than a car.

So because of that, i slept over his apartment twice. Now my parents don’t like him because I did that.

The guy I’m seeing is the first guy I date ever who has his own place. I’ve never dated a man who truly had privacy to bring his GF over.

They didn’t like that i didn’t bring my new bf to the house (i chose not to) and they didn’t like him in general. For reasons not understood, they did not like the guy i like.

Now I feel uncomfortable at home and I know both my parents don’t even want to look my way.

When my parents don’t like someone, they really let me know. Tuning out their opinions and their feelings is hard for me. I love my family and I love my parents but they really are super nosy and very judgmental and now I’m not sure how to approach the situation about the guy that I’m seeing.

I like the guy that I’m seeing and I wish my parents weren’t so judgmental about him.

I came out here to ask for advice, what should I do?
How do I feel better?
Should I just move out?
Is it normal for your parents the judge you even at 24 years old?
Am I overreacting?

TLDR: nosey judge, mental parents don’t like the guy that I’m dating.

1 comment
  1. This question comes up a lot in various forms. Yours is not as bad as some. At least you are doing what you want and your parents aren’t telling you what to do…just being a bit of passive aggressive after the fact. You need to confront the problem directly. Tell your parents you want a family meeting. Inform them (tell don’t ask) that your sex life is your business. You appreciate their opinions but you are an adult and will do what you want. I think they will respect you more afterwards

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