Hey guys,

I am not really good at talking to girls. I’m not also that good looking I would say. I told myself that I will lose some weight to be more attractive because even though I’m not attractive. I feel like that would help in getting me to an attractive stage. I’m 6 foot. So yeah that my appearance.

I forced myself to talk to girls at the club because I wanted to increase my social skills and I wanted to see if I can get lucky and get one. The result was talking to 6 girls and 0 of them had nothing to do with me. I also feel like I messed up waiting to long and scanning the area seeing which person to talk too. I feel like my conversation starter sucked and that gave a bad first impression and I wanted some advice on how to increase my social ability in this little scenario.

  1. I’m also bad at socializing but a decent starter at a club could be “having fun?” though that might be an overused one that many girls hear all the time

  2. If this is a club that plays loud music you may also take advantage of learning how to dance. It’s good cardio, so you can lift weights on other days.

  3. Give them a genuine/heartfelt compliment that you notice about them.

    E.g. Your outfit looks gorgeous, Your haircut is cute af, Your heels are to die for where did you get them? they’re so gorgeous!
    And, compliment their eye make up as well, they put in a lot of effort to look and feel good.
    So, it’s nice when someone goes up to them and gives them a PLATONIC compliment.

    If they are interested in you, based on your compliment, they will generally try and keep you by their side to keep the conversation going or, to have a dance.

    –I messed up waiting to long and scanning the area seeing which person to talk to
    Do not scan the crowd and be that creepy cunt.
    Be the guy, who’s letting his hair down and having a good time with the music.

  4. Sounds like you are several levels away from talking to women at the club…Do you have women that you are friends with that you spend time with regularly?

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