Soooo this is the 3rd time I’ve posted here recently. I am soooo appreciative of just a place to rant/vent. If you wanna know some back here is a
TLDR: first girl I’ve been dating since divorce. Divorce ended in affair and new girl is bipolar. I have anxious attachment and she also has commitment issues.

This week was a rough week with anxiety and some professional things. I had a little meltdown on Wednesday and projected things at her but she wasn’t helping my anxiety in any way. On Thursday we talked about being better at communicating and was going to continue conversation last night. Well last minute I had to pick up a friend from the airport and it ended up being just the topper on the end of of crazy week (4 hour commute to pick up friend from airport) so I meet her at my place and she walks up to me gives me a big hug and kiss. I was almost taking back by the welcome. I was expecting doomsday and I got the opposite. We ended up having one of the best evenings we’ve had since dating. Just her and I all night talking drinking dancing and kissing. This morning all was well and I wished her off to work. My approach now is just going to be take a step back and we both need some space but I also have this nagging feeling of needing affirmation. The worst part is that my anxiety just takes over my brain with intrusive thoughts. Like I said I just wanted to get some thoughts out there but if anyone can relate please help.

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