So I have been talking to this guy for a week now. We have our moments where we message for hours and also have moments where there is a gap in between because we are doing other stuff. But I just feel like I am reaching out first or at least instigating a question to continue the conversation. By all means, he answers the questions and sometimes have follow up questions. I just feel like I am the one that is messaging first to continue the conversation. He also isn’t flirting ? I mean we have a date planned this Friday but no cute flirting in sight.

What are your thoughts .. is he interested?

  1. Yes he’s interested. The fact he’s continuing the convo for a extended period of time indicates interest. The fact you are initiating the convo or making the move is likely to do with him feeling your interest out. Especially if he’s tired of putting himself out their to get ghosted, shit on. Etc etc

  2. If you have a date planned and responding, there’s something he’s interested in.

    Whether he’s interested in what you want and whether or not he has other options is a different story.

    Don’t invest too much energy into him. Keep setting up other dates. Remember, he could simply stand you up, swap you in for someone he prefers, etc. We just don’t know.

  3. Ask him to go out on a date and cut the chit chat textes

    Texting just creates a fantasy, meet face to face to see if there’s a connection

    If he says no then just block him

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