i’m curious to know what men expect from a relationship and what possible deal breakers are for you. i know all about mine and other women’s expectations and deal breakers so what are yours ?

  1. A good personality and her sharing many of my hobbies or a couple

    All physical attractions are secondary preferences of mine

  2. The same thing women want. Honesty, security, effort, love, loyalty, compatability and companionship.

  3. Hot, horny and fun, while also enjoying at least one of my hobbies too like playing music, working out, video games, watching sports, something, or even better being an asset to my work life, some woman make incredible assistants and I work alone at home so I love the company

  4. I expect her to be model gorgeous, rich, loyal, great in bed. For some reason I’m still single. Must be because women are bad.

  5. There are things that are always deal breakers in any relationship and then there are personal deal breakers.

    If one person wants kids and the other does not that’s always a deal breaker. If one person wants to be monogamous and the other does not that’s always a deal breaker.

    For me personally I would have the following qualifications. Not really in any particular order.

    **They can’t be racist**

    Doesn’t matter what we look like, we are all 99.9% identical genetically.

    **They can’t be an active religious practitioner**

    I was indoctrinated as a Catholic, but I’m now an atheist and much happier for it and I don’t want my kids to be indoctrinated into any religion.

    **They can’t be cruel**

    People, animals, physical, mental, doesn’t matter, cruelty is unacceptable.

    **They can’t be deceitful**

    Relationships require honest and open communication. It’s hard enough to find the truth of a situation and communicate your side of it to your partner when you are both being honest, it’s impossible if a person in the relationship is actively a liar.

    **They need to be intellectually curious**

    It doesn’t really matter what the person is interested in, but they have to have some interests beyond sitting and vegging in front of the television watching reality tv all day.

    **They need to have their own life**

    I have my own interests that they might not share and I expect they might have interests that I don’t share and that’s fine. We do our parts to make sure the other person can do their thing when our interests don’t overlap. That said, we make sure there is time allocated for us to be together.

    **No workaholics**

    Work isn’t life. It’s one thing to be forced to work a lot of hours by our shitty corporate run neo-capitalist system, it’s another thing to choose that life.

    **No hitting**

    Don’t hit me, even as a joke, ever. I will never intentionally harm you or let you come to harm if I can prevent it.

  6. I desire things I’m not going to get from a male friend.

    1. Good sex. This is the big one, as sex is important to me and part of my love language. If we can’t come to an agreeable compromise/consensus on how often we have sex, I’m not going to be interested. If the sex is subpar, I’m not going to be interested.
    2. Humor. I want a partner who laughs and makes me laugh. Someone who can watch the same comedians as I do and not turn it into a rant about how offensive they are. The type of partner who will hump you when you’re using the sink, or slap your butt when they walk by. Someone who laughs from the heart and not as a courtesy, and can lighten up the room.
    3. Virtues. Sincerity, honesty, loyalty, etc.. I resent when someone isn’t having a good time but “tough it out” for “my sake” without a word. I’d rather they say, “I’m not enjoying this” and we do something else. Otherwise, I was just having fun by myself and the entire point of us hanging out was having fun together. So now I feel like a fool and a tool. I will come back to the activity on my own time if I please, but don’t sit there suffering like it’s okay.
    Tell me when something is up, because whatever lie– even a lie of omission, is going to be worse than a reality where it’s you and me vs the problem. I can forgive a **lot** but when the trust is gone so am I.
    4. Individuality. Express yourself. Voice your opinion. *Have an opinion.* Don’t take forever when I ask “what do you want to eat.” Or always leave it to me. I’m not dating a fleshlight or an object, I want a person with their own thoughts, opinions, and character. Don’t cater to me. If we’re right for each other, we should be able to make it by being ourselves.
    5. Obey me in a crisis. This is a big one. When I say “run”, run. Period. This isn’t the time to talk out your ass about how rude that was, or who do I think I’m talking to. You don’t need an explanation, you don’t need a “please”, you need to move your ass. Once we get where we need to be, *then* you can ask. And I’ll tell you. “There was a bear.” “There was an active shooter.” “I thought I saw a zombie.” *Whatever*. If you decide that I made a bad call, I can apologize. We can break up. Whatever needs to happen. But if you’re going to hide behind me when the proverbial or literal ship sinks, if you’re going to look to me when the wolves attack, you’re going to follow my instructions. Not when you feel like it, immediately.
    Same thing when I say, “shut up.” Trust that I’m not saying it likely. Trust that I’m not throwing some temper tantrum. Trust that I’m demanding you be silent because what you’re saying, or who you’re saying it to, is putting us in **danger.** And I need you to **stop.** I’m not going to be one of those guys who has to fight a body builder because my girlfriend thinks it’s my job to be her bulletproof vest.
    Some people have a problem with this stance. I understand and respect your right to do so. Completely. Don’t date me.

  7. * Strong physical attraction and sexual compatability
    * Some similar interests, hobbies & likes

    And for the long term:

    * Same big picture goals in life for Job, family and future together

  8. Someone that I can be comfortable with. One that makes me want to be the best version of myself for her.

  9. Love and companionship are some of the biggies.

    Why, are you trying to determine if the rumors are true and most men want to have sex?

  10. Truth abt relationship between men and women?

    Women show love differently than men, men show it differently than women. There is no one fix standard…having said that, both needs to have developed all the good and positive qualities of the heart.

    Beyond that, on a day to day basis… Kill lazyness at physical, mental and emotional level…it is the number one cause of issues in relationship. Women stop apeing men, it is not the way to change men and embrace feminity. Men take responsibility of your own shit and be helpful.

    After few years of sex…the relationship has to eventually evolve…men either becomes friend, brother or father and women become mother or sister or friend….depending on life circumstances and mental maturity. Ultimately everything boils down to companionship.

    Decide which one works best for your own circumstances. Accept your true… If you can manage multiple shades of relationship with the same person for the life time you would be less cribbing and more evolve human.

    Women sexual drive starts to slow down after touching 25th birthday. And then she wants to move up to heart and mind..not remain in the lower realm. Men are sexually active upto age 50, they will think sex weekly twice or thrice unless they are satisfied with good food and care shown by his partner. Hence women has a power to transform man’s sexual energy into heart qualities by satisfying him with good food and by taking care of him emotionally and mentally.

    This disparity creates lot of misalignments of sexual expectation and mental and emotional stress… understand this basic nature between the two and find your own balance.

    Men wants sex, tasty food and emotional and mental care. Women wants attention, affection and teasing/flirting. Truth for human creatures we are.

    Men has to become more attention giving, more affectionate and flirt with your own women. Women become chef, give amazing sex once weekly, and take care of him. Both help eachother become a better human being.

    Women if you want children, become really good a home management. Your man can support you but it will be your responsibility. Become leader. Don’t look down upon home management as some labour job, you can develop great management skills of people management, become more organised and disciplined, developed lateral thinking and creativity, etc…

    Men if you want to have a happy old age, start supporting your woman and develop feminine qualities i.e. qualities of heart.

    Both men and women develop good mind and heart.

    Avoid negative and toxic behaviour completely-
    Don’t control each other, don’t blame each other, act maturely, take responsibility of your own health – physical and mental. Support each other and your extended family. Don’t have tit-for-tat attitude. Don’t become selfish natured, Talk straight forward, don’t play emotional and mental games with each other and your extended new families.

    Happy relationship.

  11. I just want a woman who is my best friend, sexually attractive, appreciates me, and wants to be around me.

  12. I expect you not to listen to the stupid single friends. Before you start quit being nice for a second their stupid, you know,we know stop the cap.

  13. Eventual unrelenting confidence in her sensuality. I don’t care if you don’t feel beautiful. I would treat you like a princess.

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