This may seem like a strange thing to post about but I’m quite confused.

I recently started university, and have found that many people, across ages and genders, are very friendly and conversational towards me. I’m not complaining, as these are very nice people, but I’m confused as to what exactly happened to make those people like me. I’ve often never spoken to them, and when I speak I often stutter or struggle to maintain the conversation, although I do try. Despite all of this, I have become close friends with quite a few people.

It’s strange, almost as though my charisma stat is maxed out, but I know that’s not how the world works. I’m not complaining, I’m quite grateful to be making friends so easily, I just find it strange, as throughout elementary and high school making friends never came as easily to me. I am on the autism spectrum, if that is relevant (I find it usually is when speaking about my social skills).

Anyways, I just wanted to share. Do other people have similar experiences, or reasons as to why this might be? I’m curious to hear what you have to say.

Thank you all for your time.

  1. I was in a similar situation when I started university. I was very shy and socially awkward up until I finished high school and then I moved out for college and it was a whole new fresh start.

    I remember the first time a girl asked to have lunch with me before class and my shy lil heart couldn’t take it but I showed up anyways and it went fine. She laughed at my jokes and we became close friends. Rinse and repeat with every social opportunity I got and bam I was one of the popular kids too.

    It’s only a matter of practice so just fake it till you make it. You’ll adjust way faster than you think and soon enough you’ll actually be charismatic and fun to be around effortlessly and you’ll learn that no one is better than you or out of your league unlike how growing up socially awkward may have led you to believe 🙂

  2. I agree, I had something like this as a kid. But people don’t always love you for who you are. It could be something you have. In my case, it was because I was a top 1% scorer in 7th grade school, so back then everyone was acting social with me for quite a while. But when my grades dropped, they disappeared and never cared. People will always stick to you for their own benefit, unless it someone you truly trust and is a close friend.

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