So I’ll keep it short(ish) rather than every single little detail. So me and this girl met through my best friends gf. She brought her out one time with us at the bar. We both didn’t really interact much that night but I noticed we both definitely wanted to so next time we were all together I was set on showering interest. Come the time around and it was a success. Spent the whole night at the bar/club basically alone, talking, and having a great time. Got her phone number and whatnot to keep I’m touch, which we did and it was very natural to keep a conversation. Nothing seemed forced or boring on either side. Bla bla bla, another time put with us 4 and a good time. Then I ask to go out with just is 2 and she said yes. Followed up with a great time once again, walked her to her door and all hugged and said goodbye then texted some more before bed. All at this point seemed set to me for a follow up 2nd date so I set that up and asked again which she agreed upon and was excited. Come that night, yet again was another great time. Smiles, jokes, and laughs. Just getting along very well. Ended the night with going out to eat and just talking about whatever really, just going conversations. Nothing awkward at all, just flowing as if we were friends for like half a year but this is only at like 6-7 weeks. So to me that seemed great. Come that night after dropping her off, hugging and talking for a brief period before I got going since it was pretty late we both agreed we had great times. Just like the other dates/times out. I told her I really liked spending time/hanging out with her and asked what she’s really into because to this point it set everything up and did things I thought would be cool for us 2 to do. She texted back “damn I gotta think about that 😂” with the emoji because I jokingly picked on her a little which is also normal between us. I texted goodnight maybe an hour later with no reply. Figured she fell asleep which has happened before, everyone does that. But then I texted good morning before heading to work and she didn’t reply then either. At that point I was pretty curious as to why but just figured she had a busy morning. Sadly, she never answered and it’s been near 4 days now. I have no idea what went wrong or what I did.

She is also from what I have been told by my friends gf that she hasn’t ever been in a relationship nor has she really ever liked anyone so I took it a little slow. Still physical contact but no kissing. She liked me though and I knew about that because my friends gf said she told her that. So whatever you guys/girls can make of this I’d appreciate it. I’m not sure what to think of this ghosting experience because nothing seemed to be going wrong at all

1 comment
  1. I say that’s the benefit of having a similar social circle. If he can be subtle just get your friend to see what his gf knows about the situation or just let it go. Either way I wouldn’t message her again.

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