I need help with something. I am in lust. I am completely into this guy and I want him to the point where I can not take it. I’m 26f, he’s the same age. I think about him every night. I’ve tried getting over it and ignoring the urges but nothing works. I have a tinder account and have matched a few guys but I am not that interested in them.

Why am I heavily attracted to this one specific guy? He’s just nice to look at. He has really nice physical features and I work in a phsyically demanding environment. He’s really strong and has a really deep voice.

I just realized why I haven’t put why I can’t try him, we are collegues. And work in different departments but still see each other alot. He’s subtly flirted with me and asked me out but I said no cause I don’t date my co workers. He flirts playfully so I know it’s not serious but the flirting doesn’t help. The first time the mask policy was lifted in my job, he said “oh my god, your face is beautiful” that was a few months ago and I also found out that we have a lot of the same interests, most specifically drawing and have exchanged pics before.

This week I was upstairs looking for some stuff for my supervisor and he came in the room and stared at me and I laughed and said what, he said ” you look really beautiful today” my shy weird self said thank you and turned my head (I have big hair and my afro acts as a sheild when I’m smiling hard but don’t want people to see it lol)

Anyway last night I was watching some YouTube vids that were romantic scenes and then I decided to close that out and turn on some adult vids and the catagory was coworkers fu*k and even when I was using my vibrator I wasn’t orgasming so when I closed the video out I closed my eyes and pictured myself kissing my coworker and I literally had a full blown fantasy and once he got to the part where he was about to cum I got off top of him and swallowed his nut

It was a very, very, intense orgasm and it had been a while since I had one that strong. I wanna fuck him so bad I literally can not take it. When I see him in person sometimes I get wet. And I don’t even want it to be ongoing, I just want it once. But I won’t go there. I know it’s a bad idea but the more I tell myself I’m not gonna do it, the more I want it. I haven’t listed for someone like this in a long time, even looking at other guys on tinder and general, I just want him, any advice or suggestions on how to let go of this sex crush? Oh, I should also add that I haven’t had sex in 9 months. But I masterbate regularly so I’m not starved for pleasure

  1. Well… Not dating co workers is a good rule to follow.. Generally…

    Having said that… Circumstances can be different… Do you see both of you having long term prospects in this company? If yes, perhaps wiser to not engage.. If not.. It may not be a big deal..

    If both of you are in the company for the long term, then… Is there a possibility that you might work together in the future.. If yes, wiser not to engage.. If not, perhaps you could..

    The last one… And you have to get to know the person to be able to answer this… Say you have a relationship and it ends at some point.. Is he a private and discreet person who won’t talk about the relationship with other coworkers or is he the kind who would share.. If it is the former, then I would proceed…

    Again.. No straight solution… But.. People date coworkers all the time.. There is no hard and fast rule against it..

  2. It’s pretty awkward to be around your crush right? I get it, it’s really terrible then have a relationship with somebody at work. At least you guys work in different departments. Just tell the guy that you like him and see where it goes from there. There’s nothing wrong with a little honesty especially with love. This world needs more love. Don’t wait another day for happiness. Good luck.

  3. What your really asking us for here is permission to brake your own rule. Not dating coworkers is only a good rule if your soulmate or ideal lover is not a coworker, otherwise its a terrible rule. I suggest you discuss boundaries about work if the sex were to go bad and then go for it.

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