Married men, do you still sleep in the same bed as your wife why or why not ?

  1. I’m married, of course I do! I love my wife. And besides, snuggle-fucks can’t happen in separate beds. ✌️💜🌮

  2. Only time I don’t is – other than when one of us is pissed – when one us absolutely has to get a good night’s sleep.

  3. I wish I didn’t but she has a thing about it. Personally I like to watch TV real late and/or do my hobbies in bed late at night, sometimes just wake up for a few hours and watch more tv do some stuff in bed etc.
    I hate having to be quit about it ffs

    The upper class in the old days had the right idea, husbands and wives should have their own seperate chambers and just come together to fuck and cuddle like a sleepover with the girl next door.

  4. Nope. Haven’t slept in the same room for years.

    My wife and I’s sleeping habits are polar opposites. She likes a warm room, I like it cold. She is a light sleeper, I toss and turn. She likes the TV on to fall asleep, I like a dark, quiet room.

    Now, while we sleep in different rooms, it’s only because sleep is one of the most important things in life, and whatever one can do to make their sleep better is worth it.

    Or relationship has only grown stronger because of it.

  5. Unless there’s some serious health issues that makes it impractical, I would always want to share a bed with her. I enjoy the cuddling and the time to talk about things when we’re just lying there next to each other. Spooning before going to sleep just makes the world seem better.

  6. Sure do. She seeks out my warm body to sleep since she is ice cold all the time. I apparently warm her up faster than our blanket.

  7. Nope, we each have our own bedroom. I had to share a room with my brother until I was 14. I also snore. We each like our own space.

  8. Everyone once in a while I sleep in her bed but usually on the couch or more frequently I just sleep I’m my recliner chair

  9. Yes, because it’ll be easier to insert my penis in her when already being close. Very handy.

  10. No, we have used different bedrooms for a decade and it’s been wonderful. I have sleep apnea is the main reason. Sex is never a problem, it’s literally the best of both worlds. For years our schedules were completely different and this works well for us.

  11. Formerly married (widowed) but when I was, we slept in different beds on weeknights because he was a night owl who worked from home while I had to wake up at 5:30 am every day to get to work. It was just easier for both of us for him to not worry about waking me up when he went to bed at 1 am and me not having to worry about waking him up when getting ready for work at the crack of dawn.

    On weekends we slept in the same bed.

  12. Not married, but I do think you should sleep in the same bed being married. I wouldn’t want her to sleep somewhere else unless she did something bad, then the couch is her place for the night (in serious cases). But over all, she will sleep next to me. You shouldn’t be married to her if you choose to sleep somewhere else.

  13. Nope. We stopped about 12 years ago. I had a stinky cold so went and slept in the spare bedroomso I didnt keep her awake. Next day we were both happier people for having had a good nights sleep

    I snore (apparently) and my wife sleeps in the middle of the bed or diagonally and steals covers. So we get far better sleep when we’re in separate rooms and are.much nicer as a result. Id highly recommend it

  14. Yes. There are those rare occasions where she’s mad at me and sleeps on the coach, but that’s her choice.

  15. Separate. My husband likes sleeping on the couch in a semi reclined position while watching tv. I move a lot in my sleep and he is a light sleeper. We have a spare bedroom where he could sleep in an actual bed but he prefers the couch. We spend a lot of time awake together laying in bed though and it’s never impeded us from having lots of sex.

  16. Me and wife are both big cuddlers, same bed cause neither of us would like to sleep separately

  17. Yes. Even if I didn’t want to, we really don’t have the space. When I had Covid, I slept in my office, which now has a kid living in it.

    But I like sharing a bed with her. She’s snuggly and smells good and is comforting while I sleep. I AM grateful for our king sized bed though, for those nights when she inexplicably becomes either a furnace or an ice sculpture.

  18. Yes but we need a bigger bed. The last thing I want mid summer is another heat source lying right up against me and I like to starfish while I sleep. In winter though, there’s nothing better than twisting up and merging into one lump of warmth.

  19. No. Not for years. We did cosleeping and I moved out. We are planning to change that but it’s a process

  20. I sleep in my bed, my wife decides if she’s going to join or sleep on the couch. I sleep where I want.

  21. Not married but I icked the gf out to another room bc she talked too much and moved around too much…. There was not much of a it’s time to sleep concept

  22. I’m not even married yet, but we agreed at the beginning of the relationship that we would never be sharing a bed. Gotta get that peaceful sleep.

  23. My wife likes to lie her head of my chest and listen to my heartbeat at night and in the morning. It relaxs her.

    Sometimes we fall asleep that way.

  24. Married for 15 years, with kids and no we don’t…and it has been the secret to a wonderful marriage. People have weird taboos and opinions about it, but we both get to stretch out, she can wake up when she wants and me as well, and it is amazing. Highly recommend it. We do sleep in the same room, and again, this has been great. Don’t let other BS opinions keep you from doing what is right for your relationship.

  25. Absolutely!! I love waking up to see her morning hair and everything. The night cuddles are amazing! Easy access to each others bodies and the SNORING!! Best things ever

  26. Not every night no. Some nights I’ll sleep on the couch some nights my daughter asks me to snuggle her. Even when we do sleep together we bed share with our youngest so we don’t get to lay near each other. Last time I cuddled my wife in bed to sleep would have been 3 years ago last night “our youngest turns 3 a little after midnight”.

  27. We actually have our own rooms. I stay up quite late and like it super dark when I sleep. She sleeps with the lights on and goes to bed at a decent hour.

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