I went to a woman’s college and a small group of us always hung out at the commuter’s lounge. One of the girls used to bring her boyfriend and his kid around. One day she said they had taken nude photos of each other in the bedroom. Then she started to show everyone his nude photos. She said he had told her not to, but she still did it. Everyone except me and another girl gathered to look and comment. I refused to look because I thought that was super fucked up. In my whole life I’ve only seen that happen once. Honestly I think that girl was mentally ill because of that and other things about her, but be careful with what photos you allow. Edit: I would never do this and none of my female friends would do this! But that’s my circle.

  1. Women privilege. The double standard.

    Man shows his friends his GFs nudes, he’s a scumbag and will end up in trouble with the police for it.

    Woman shows her friends her man’s nudes…nothing happens, it pretty much seems acceptable.

    Both are equally wrong.

  2. I have never shared a nude picture of myself. But if I did, yeah that would be a complete violation of trust and privacy; unless he consented to it I guess? I would tell the boyfriend.

  3. That’s a serious breach of trust.

    I’d also be curious which one and wether they liked what they saw. If they didn’t we’d have to take better ones.

  4. Honestly wouldn’t really care at all if they are good enough to send they are good enough to share otherwise I just wouldn’t send them at all

  5. Personally, i’d feel icky about the part that she did it. I’m quite comfortable with my body, nude or otherwise but it’s kind of a breech of trust. I’d be uncomfortable with the act more than just the pictures being shown.

  6. It’s a violation of trust and privacy. I wouldn’t break up immediately, but i would be really mad (and dissapointed) and gonna have a long talk. Her reaction to that would make or break the relationship after.

  7. Had some friends that this kinda thing happened to. Mad disrespectful imo w/o asking the guy first…grounds for a breakup imo.

    On the flip side I’ve also never sent nudes before specifically bc of this

  8. I’d dump her on the spot, that’s not cool. This is assuming that I’d ever send nudes to anyone in the first place.

  9. My gf (now wife) told her friends that I have a nice looking cock so obviously they asked for proof. She rang me and asked for permission to show them pics. I agreed, and they got the proof they wanted.

    If she hadn’t asked and had shown them I’d have been a bit unhappy. If she’d shared them by message (so they could’ve shared on) I would’ve been fuming.

    Im not particularly ashamed about body but would still want to know that pics arent being seen by people I dont want seeing them

  10. I don’t think I’d actually say no to the idea of my GF sharing a nude photo of me to her friends but there’s boundaries to be respected. There’s some stuff I’d rather wasn’t shared but wouldn’t be worth the destruction of a valued relationship. There’s some deep dark secrets I have that if shared and to the wrong person could cause alot of distress and I’d consider a fatal breach of trust.

    Women … and men … tend to value women’s nude bodies more so your point of view may be different there and I’d respect that.

  11. Borrow her phone to text her friends and tell them to meet me a the train station, with the next stop, Poundtown…

  12. I’d never, ever show somebody’s nude pictures to other people myself, and if someone did that to me I’d feel pretty violated, but I know women play by a different set of rules with stuff like that. Probably I’d blame myself for trusting her

  13. Im not OK with it, id be pissed. Could very well be ground for a break up depending on hiw she reacts. And of course i want to see them deleted. I might go as far as take her phone to do so.

  14. I’m not mad that her girls know what I look like naked.

    Im mad she violated my integrity, and I would probably dump. No girl in their right minds does shit like that

  15. I went to have drinks after work a few months ago with 5 women I worked with and became very uncomfortable after 2 of them discussing there flings as I knew both if them one of them did show pics which I didn’t look at but they all did the other described the guy she was with a friend of mine. I didn’t say anything but was embarrassed for them and definitely makes you wonder do most women do that or compare you to others I mean we are what we are

  16. That’s fucked up, I would not be happy at all. Would definitely lead to a discussion and asking hee to delete everything in front of me, trust would also be partially broken

  17. Taking nudes already is a nono for me, proceeding to show them to other people will make me break up things.

  18. I would actually go to the police since she is apparently taking photos of me naked without my permission.

    No, seriously.

    I would also kick her out of _my_ house on the spot and ask her to never talk to me ever again.

  19. I have a huge work friends circle at my office and we hang out often and are quite close. Every now and then I hear the girls of the group discuss and share the dicks they’ve recently had. They get into very real vivid descriptions it’s disgusting.

  20. I’d dump her so fast she’d leave a plasma contrail.

    Sue her as well, if I had money to spare.

  21. That seriously fucked up and a massive betrayal of trust. Might even be illegal also? Either way, no that is never ok

  22. That would be a trip to my lawyer, breaking up obviously. This is a huge no-no.
    If you as woman don’t want your nudes to be leaked, then how is it that his nudes are allowed to be leaked? It’s the same thing, don’t do it EVER!

  23. A couple things influence attitudes about nudity

    1) Culture, some cultures just DGAF. There’s four cultures involved, his, hers, OPs, and weirdo Reddit culture. I guess if him and her are happy then its all good.

    2) Personal lifestyle stuff, I’ve gone to nude beaches, nude tan, I obviously just don’t care. Would be pretty funny if OP is the only person in the group NOT hanging out at the beach in the summer. Or I hit the sauna after every workout and there are some coed saunas and I basically never wear anything in the sauna (see #1 above about culture) so… Surprise, OP might be the only textile in the group LOL.

    3) My attitude about my body varied a lot as I got into weight lifting where its not like some unchangeable shy about me part, my hobby is to change it intentionally so if you want to look I don’t care. So like a fat guy feels bad if someone sees his embarrassing potbelly. People who don’t work out think that guys who don’t mind having their abs seen because they know they look hot. But its almost like an honesty thing I make no secret in daily life that I lift and diet to look like this so pretending to hide would be kind of dumb. Not only am I not ashamed of my abs but I put a lot of public effort into looking like I do so if someone wants to see, yeah whatever take a look. Its like the dick length thing, its not made of fat so if you get rid of two inches of fat your dick is the same length but there’s an extra two inches to see so it’s “two inches longer due to weight loss”, sort of (girls are not going to understand and guys are going to say “duh”). So if my wife showed someone a pic of me, I wouldn’t mind.

    (Edited to note maybe #3 is too much babble. I’m trying to say something like I intentionally mod my body as a hobby so I don’t see my body as something to be ashamed of, its more like yeah my quads look like that because I’ve been doing heavy squats and deadlifts. So if I’m not ashamed of it, what do I care if someone sees it? Which probably also fits #1 cultural attitudes, I know Reddit-culture is all about bodyshaming everyone all the time including one’s self, which is not my people’s gig at all)

    (I will edit again to clarify #3 further by analogy. Imagine a woman who got pierced ears because she feels better when she looks better and she’s now wearing these cute earrings. If someone showed a picture of her cute earrings should there be legal attacks and shaming and nonsense? Nah its just cute earrings that she got on purpose so she’d look good. So my analogy is as a weightlifter bodybuilder type guy I like looking good because I feel good when I look good. So if someone sees my butt which was built from a million squats and deadlifts, meh fine with me, thats how its supposed to look, duh? Or I don’t have an enormous potbelly like most Americans so more dick is visible, meh fine I don’t work hard to stay thin to get the results of being fat LOL, that would be a kinda dumb plan to follow, so I don’t care if someone takes a look, I mean, half of us have one of our own so its not THAT exciting, but whatever)

  24. There was a time my gf at the time casually mentioned telling her female friend about our bedroom life, I felt exposed and betrayed since I knew if the tables were turned it wouldn’t be acceptable and I mentioned that to her and she agreed while admitting to the double standard.

    If nudes of me were shared I’d probably feel even more exposed and betrayed and if she didn’t see anything wrong with sharing my nudes, that would become a wedge in the relationship

  25. She violated her bf’s boundaries and breached his trust, and technically what she did is illegal because she did not have his consent to share those

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