We’ve been texting a few times a day over the last couple days but I haven’t heard from her since my last text. I noticed when I logged into bumble she was in my que of someone who right swiped me. I left swiped her because we already matched on another app and are texting. I just find it funny she hasn’t replied yet but went on a different app and swiped right on me. Why not just shoot me a text back instead? I use the same photos so she knows it’s me.

  1. I experienced the same twice actually.
    Both times I had matched on Bumble and been chatting there. One of them I even had multiple video call dates.

    Then it was quite, no texting. Then few weeks later they swiped right on tinder.

    So I swiped back on one of them with a comment, and she replied an hour later with “copy” of my last text on Bumble with an answer to that question.. Then continued chatting as if nothing had happened then it went silence again.

    These kind of people are just annoying.

  2. I’ve matched a few times twice with people it often happens when my friend used to swipe for me

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