Even knowing the old adage, “Don’t shit were you eat”. What did you do or not do?

  1. Plan to quit by finding a better job. Stand on the break room table and loudly profess your love.

  2. Wait for a few days – weeks to see if you actually like her. If you do, ask her out. If she says no, respect that and move on. Good luck!

  3. I’ve had a number of crushes on girls at work but never did anything about it. Not because they were co-workers but I was already with something. Just kind of ignored it and eventually it went away or one of us got another job.

  4. We had sex…and well things got seriously uncomfortable at work. Everyone was asking, “What’s with you and X?” Wouldn’t recommend it, but sometimes your less rational side takes over.

  5. I’m the rare exception where it went well but this happened in the 2008-2009 timeframe and my advances were welcome.

    I was stuck in a shit marriage but my self-esteem was too low for me to end it. I thought a coworker was quite attractive and then she surprised me by making the first move. That happened in September-October and by February I told my wife I wanted a divorce. My crush/fling and I got married about 3 years after my divorce was final and we’re expecting our 3rd child in July.

    Happy ending and if anyone asks about our relationship I never lie about it. I am not ashamed and I think as a society we need to be more open about that real life is messy.

  6. Ah, well….. she ended up moving back to her home country (I was married when we met but resisted the temptation but ended up divorced 1 year later). We stayed in touch for the next 7 years though and then met up again. As of now, we have been married 12 years and have a daughter!! So I definitely acted on it – just took us a while!!

  7. Unless you work low stakes job like at a cafe or grocery store, do not risk your job over this.

  8. I invited her for a dinner at a fancy restaurant some 400 m away from the office.

    We walked all the way there, holding hands and discussing a lot of things. Everything went well.

    After the dinner, she got a phone call, and she introduced me as a colleague to the caller, who was her boyfriend.

    In her defence, I hadn’t told her it’s going to be a “date”. It was a friendly dinner.

    Since I didn’t want to freak her our anyway, I kept in touch with her even after that night. I would take 2 minutes off my schedule at work to go near her desk and give some attention. Sometimes go for lunch together, and even sharing items that I used to cook, until the day I resigned from the job due to some other reasons.

    Luckily, I was able to get a background check about her from her own words, even before I did catch any feelings!

  9. Quit or don’t talk to the, and don’t act on it, you’re cruising for a bruising if you do otherwise

  10. I engaged with them and let them know I was interested. It was really awkward for everyone at work and it ended up going no where. But something in my soul told me to go for it, so I did.

  11. Honestly, I almost cheated on my wife once. I started clicking with a bartender at a hotel that I worked at. My head supervisor noticed one day while I was talking to her. He called me over to him via earpiece. He told me… you are married. She will ruin everything that you have. Don’t fuck up. He wasn’t being mean to the girl, he just meant that I was going to ruin everything by getting with her. I got lucky. He saved my marriage

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