I recently moved away to a new city. And started attending a new school. I’m lonely. I legit can’t talk to anyone and when I do talk to people, the conversation is dry and dies. I never know what to say to people. IT’S BEEN 3 MONTHS. and I still have no friends. Help me please?

1 comment
  1. Music, theatre, computer, science,there’s def tons of clubs that u can join and meet ppl ur comfortable around. Hell, there might even be a gaming club now integrated in schools.After I graduated I wish I leaned into that. Or if ur active and are into sports, then play ur fav sport. To help make urself feel better, I’ve moved school several times and had a lonely high school run for years. And it ain’t all that bad. Once I graduated, it was easy. To some tho it’ll be the other way around, and you’ll want to enjoy high school as much as u can. But don’t get intimidated, improve ur social skills and just talk with anyone u find common interest. Regret is worse than rejection. With the pain you’ve already endured, a simple rejection won’t hurt. Also don’t let labels like weird or lonely kid get to u, it just brings u down and doesn’t define who u are.

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