Went on two good dates with a nice girl, she told me things came up and she got very busy with family. I took it as an easy letdown but she will reach out every week or so, but doesn’t say much. She is doing well according to her. I’m assuming she is just bored or something.

I don’t like to ghost. Would it be immature to just tell her that the dynamic we originally had is significantly different and whatever we have now is uncomfortable to me? I don’t stay on the hook for people but hate ghosting.

  1. You could try asking her out again the next time she contacts you. But if she doesn’t want to see you, then ya, just tell her you’re not interested in a text buddy. It was nice getting to know you but I’d like to move on.

  2. Nope not immature to cut things off.

    Just be honest and say you are looking for dating [or what you are looking for] and that not looking for a SMS buddy. Wish her the best and move on.

  3. This exactly. You don’t want a text buddy. If she doesn’t want to be romantically involved then tell her to not text you again.

  4. Hmm doesn’t seem very clear. You can tell her you like talking to her and feel like there could be something and wanna see where her head is at. Trust it saves you a lot of what ifs. But seems like she might like talking to you but maybe might not be ready for something at the moment. But you never know.

  5. I seriously rather just ghost. It was two dates. She got busy (which I personally wouldn’t take as a rejection), and things don’t seem to be going anywhere, it’s not that deep. Two people can go on with their lives.

    But there would be nothing immature about letting her know how you feel. It’s ok to not stay friends if/when you want it to be more.

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