A friend of mine has been incredibly distant with me lately. At first it was her own personal issues, which was fair. But 3 weeks ago, she said she was feeling better, and now she won’t answer many of my texts and has stopped initating conversation with me and doesn’t want to hang out anymore. I know she still hangs out with her other friends, just doesn’t wanna hang out with me.

I honestly think I may have did something that I didn’t realize that maybe made her uncomfortable and, this is the hint I need to take. I’ve asked her about being distant last week over text, and she brushed it off. So I’ve given up.

I’m just gonna block her on everything so I can move on and stop wasting time when I can meet new people who want to be with me for me. I also don’t want to be “creepy”.

  1. Honestly I wouldn’t block her. If anything I think that might add more on to the tile of ‘creep’. Just don’t text her and move on with your life.

  2. If you genuinely wanted to just distance yourself from her and whatnot then you wouldn’t go through the trouble of blocking her and crying about it here, you’d just, do it. So maybe you should be more honest with yourself

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