Thanksgiving is coming up and gratitude is a thing everyone should think about. What is it that you are thankful for here in the US? Be it small or large. Funny or totally serious. -CupBeEmpty

  1. That I can take most of the week off to watch the World Cup.

    Less than 2 hours until game 1.

  2. That I live in The Awesome Nation that is The USA, and that I’m fortunate enough to live is the beautiful state of Florida.

  3. I am thankful that over a year after his stroke, my dad (who will be 72 soon) is doing as well as he is.

    He’s probably never going to fully recover, at this point. His right side is still very weak, and his speech is still slow and slurred. He was a phenomenally talented singer, and I’ll probably never hear it again. I’m glad my mom recorded all those hymns he sang at church over the last decade. I never used to listen to them (I’m not at all a believer anymore), but knowing that I can is so precious to me.

    He can still get around on his own power. Slowly and with a cane, but he doesn’t really need help, even on steps and uneven ground. And outside of the difficulty he has with moving his mouth, he hasn’t suffered any loss of his ability to communicate. He can still muster his words and articulate exactly what he wants to say; we just have to be patient and give him a few extra moments to get the words out.

    I am thankful my mom (70) is still so active and energetic. She thinks she has no energy anymore, because she’s comparing herself to how she felt at 40, but the woman never stops buzzing. She takes such good care of Dad, goes for a mile-long walk every day even when it’s cold or rainy, practices piano several times a week, posts a million pictures of her crazy cat on Facebook, and is frankly killing the retirement game.

    I am thankful for my husband, who has been supportive of everything I’ve taken on in the thirteen years I know him. I owe pretty much *everything* I’ve done in the last eight years to him, because he helped me break through a crippling barrier of inertia and anxiety and set my career on a whole different path. All I needed was someone to say “I know you can do it, and I think you should.” It’s a very long, drawn-out butterfly effect that I won’t outline here, but I can’t imagine how different my life would be if he hadn’t given me that push.

    I’m thankful for my safe, comfortable home, the fact that I’ve never known hunger or wondered if my next bills would be paid, and the knowledge that my entire life I’ve been surrounded by people who love me. And I’m thankful that I’ve never been through a place so dark I couldn’t see a shimmer of light.

  4. For me it is family. I don’t know what I would do without my parents and siblings. Whether they are guiding lights, sounding boards, compassionate companions, shining examples, or just people that know me and lend an ear to tell me I am an idiot

    My local Catholic Church. They are steadfastly excellent. They pressed the entire CCD class into making nice ornaments for the old folks at our local old folks homes this Sunday. On Thursday they delivered a truck load of food for the sober houses I volunteer with.

    Our local evangelical church for letting people in the recovery community use their space at no cost every week.

    The people at MaineWorks that get people in recovery jobs at a decent wage and provide free transportation to and from work as well as providing assistance getting licenses back and providing all the safety gear needed from boots to reflective vests at absolutely no cost even if you are a felon.

    My neighbors that share some childcare duties. My neighbor down the street took my daughter to a birthday party today so my wife could work and I could watch the little guy.

    Girls on the Run which is an amazing organization that made my daughter so happy she was on the verge of tears after completing her first 5k.

    All the local folks that run our elections. They are the vanguard of democracy. It is good to remember we are always one generation away from despotism and that these humble servants are the ones that maintain our wonderful way of freedom and liberty.

  5. I’m grateful for my family, especially my kids. Even though they drive me nuts a lot of the time, they’re great boys. I’m also grateful for the fact that their dad and I get along wonderfully even though we are divorced. He’s still one of my very best friends.

  6. I’m thankful for the fact that I live somewhere where I don’t get mauled by a sloth bear or a tiger whenever I wanna go for a walk

  7. I am thankful my daughter has lived another year and we will be out of the hospital by thanksgiving

  8. I actually got invited somewhere for Thanksgiving dinner. That’s never happened before, so I’m extremely thankful for it.

  9. Thankful for my health and for Ukraine doing well in their defense against Russian invasion.

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