What do you think life was like for Elliott after E.T. left?

  1. Hey man. I appreciate you trying to find humor and crack a joke here and there but this sub Reddit is somewhat of a safe haven for those who need serious guidance.

    If you don’t have a serious question I suggest looking deep into yourself and figuring out a better way to use your time. Life’s short pal.

    I’m going to have to downvote you for this post but I hope it teaches you a lesson in gaining some perspective and maybe help you think about what others might be going through before you make a post.

    Have a blessed day.

    “Team work makes the dream work”

    Edit: I’m seeing a lot of downvotes but the only downvote that really matters in this life is the one from the man upstairs. #IYKYK.

  2. I think he probably turned into a super stud jock who banged his way through high school and then got a college scholarship to a div 1 school to play Quarterback, then hurt his leg and had to give football away, then became a millionaire scientist working on contacting alien life and married the love of his life and had 2 boys, one named E. and the other named T.

  3. He definitely jerks off to alien porn and has foot fetish for sure , i mean Gertie said  I don’t like his feet. ELLIOTT , and he replied they are only feet you little twerp

  4. I think Elliot became depressed and started to shoot Fent on Portland’s streets where he is living today.

  5. He was tortured by the government which caused him to retreat mentally, he never really developed past 9 years old. He became addicted to oxy, which changed to heroin and ODed in a dunkin donuts bathroom on cape cod at 35yo.

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