As a British person was wondering what it’s like having your birthday fall on thanksgiving. Is it abit of a let down like being born on 25th Dec?

  1. Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November, which isn’t a set date like Christmas but more like Easter.

  2. Well Thanksgiving is a moveable holiday, being the fourth Thursday in November, so you can’t have a birthday that’s always on Thanksgiving. that said, my wife has a late November birthday and sometimes it’s Thanksgiving, so we just celebrate her birthday the weekend before or after.

  3. Sometimes my brother’s birthday is on Thanksgiving, sometimes mine is on Easter. It was occasionally a let down as a kid since you felt everything was focused on the holiday instead of your birthday, but as an adult, it really doesn’t make much of a difference since it’s not that way every year. Plus if your birthday falls on thanksgiving and you don’t really celebrate it, free day off on your birthday!

  4. My dad’s birthday is in late November and falls on Thanksgiving sometimes. I think he likes it because everyone is always making sweets and baked goods that time of year that he gets to enjoy. Thanksgiving isn’t really a gift-giving holiday, so I don’t think it’s a letdown.

  5. Thanksgiving falls on the last Thursday of November, no set date. On the chance your birthday were to fall on Thanksgiving, it would probably be a bit like having a birthday on Christmas or another major holiday.

  6. It was great when I was a kid. Thanksgiving was my birthday party for family and was always at our house. Birthday presents on thanksgiving

  7. My daughter’s birthday is November 29th which is too late to ever be Thanksgiving but can be the day after. It’s not bad at all. We sometimes bring a birthday cake to my aunt & uncle’s house for dessert. She gets to have basically a second party with all her cousins that she otherwise doesn’t see very often.

  8. It’s not a set day. My brother’s birthday is on Thanksgiving every few years. We always have cake when that happens.

  9. Mine falls on Thanksgiving sometimes. It’s not a big deal – we just get an extra dessert and I get presents.

  10. My dad’s birthday sometimes is on Thanksgiving and I think he likes it because he invites his friend over for dinner every year anyways, has a good meal, and football. I assume Christmas would be worse because there’s an inherent focus on giving to others and birthdays are more all about me for most people. Plus that’s the same date every year.

    Different thing but my birthday has been on Superbowl Sunday multiple times throughout my life, and as someone who does not care about football, that truly sucks.

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