I’m 27. I struggle with making friends, keeping in touch with them, or making plans with them. Why is it that difficult for me? If I want to plan something with a friend or a few friends, I avoid it because it just seems like too much work (ie figuring out everyone’s schedule, the date of an event, transportation, etc) I also avoid because the fear of not being liked and rejection. How do you do it? What’s your process?

1 comment
  1. Where are you posting the activities you’re proposing? Is it like a group chat, or are you DMing people individually?

    I’ve had good luck just posting in a group chat, “hey I’m interested in checking out this Burmese restaurant, anyone wanna go sometime? What days work for people?” Or just “hey is anyone free tonight?” I think me being open-ended about it takes some of the pressure off people – “oh great, Vector’s organizing stuff, I can just go along with it.” Then when people post their availability, it lets everyone else see what days they’re free (and see a list of who is likely to go). It also takes pressure off *me* – I don’t have to care that much if any one person feels like hanging out with me.

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