I know this doesn’t sound like a problem but I’m worried about just a little. I (21f) and my boyfriend (20m) have been dating for a year. I really love him and have never been sexually active before him he was my frist and I was his frist and it’s not like we have sex all time. We don’t even live together yet we see each one a week in person due to distance and schedules and after we do get done. I just want to cuddle and talk wich we do but is it wrong for me to want as soon as we are together? For bit more context. I grew up with alot people telling to wait till marriage and maybe that’s why I’m feeling this way.

Tldr:I feel weird about wanting to have sex with my boyfriend as soon as we are together.

  1. People have different values about sex, and for different reasons. You are allowed to have your own. If you like sex and your partner likes sex and you are being safe, then go for it! Don’t let others opinions bother you.

  2. The sex advice columnist Dan Savage has a saying: Fuck first. Don’t wait until after you’ve gone out, and you’re full, or maybe drunk, or a tired. Fuck first! It’s important.

    Have fun.

  3. My understanding is that in at least some cultures the waiting till marriage thing is viewed as outdated. Perhaps I’m wrong. I agree with others regarding mutual consent and comfort.

  4. It’s normal. This is one of the reasons why some people don’t like LDR, once a week isn’t enough for everyone.

  5. This is totes okay. Just try not to get pregnant unless you really want to be raising a kid. And good for you! Live! Enjoy life, you only get one there are no respawns that Im aware of.

  6. Normal, my gf used to skip classes just to have sex in the mornings, i skipped work a lot too to have sex with her. Its a thing 😉

  7. Me and my gf do distance relationship and see each other every couple weeks. As long as I can tell she’s in the mood I pretty much rip her clothes off as soon as I see her

  8. There’s a lot of excitement when you start experiencing it for the first time. There is nothing wrong with that if you both like it. Enjoy your life and be safe.

  9. It’s normal, bang like you’re horny rabbits. It’s called being young! Hell, that you made it to that age is incredible. Enjoy it, it’s fun & it’s free & it’s an expression of your affection for one another & it is totally 100% ok

  10. I think it’s pretty normal to want to have lots of sex early in a relationship, especially if you only see each other once a week. I’d be wanting to be intimate every time and in my experience the women in my life have too.

    Is the problem that he doesn’t want to have sex? Do you know why? I’d have a hard time in a relationship if there was no sex early on during the most passionate phase.

  11. Its perfectly fine just don’t let it take over the relationship. Don’t forget to step out of the bed room every once in awhile to just spend time together. You may burn yourself out and if the vibes at that point switch then you might get some discomfort between the two of you. My first serious relationship that lasted five years out of HS we ran like rabbits for the first 3 years. But once we moved in together and I transitioned to wanting to take it more seriously. Things started to go the wrong way. I was burnt out. I thought we moved into, with a lack of a better term, the next phase of our relationship. But then again I could have tried alittle more in the bedroom with newer and exciting things. But it was my first real relationship. My mind was on the future and not the present.

  12. Nothing wrong with it. With my ex of 7 yrs we couldn’t stop having sex. We were in our late teens first real relationship we both ever been in and it was like every time we met we just wanted bag. Even after we broke up we still messed around.
    In my opinion it’s normal for you to have those urges. Just be safe wear a protection and you’ll be fine.

  13. I don’t think there’s right/wrong here. In my opinion If you guys have sex with both mutual consent then why not?

    I’m still a virgin but back then me and my ex used to have only foreplay with each other at least once every two weeks. I did it just because to relieve a stress and I like to satisfied my ex. But then my ex told me she felt kinda boring/guilty doing it (we we’re both in a religion that can’t have sex before marriage) because everytime we kiss/make out/cuddling mostly end up do dirty things. Everytime we were in a hotel during vacation we always do it but last time she complain because all she wants to do was only quality time with me but she always tease me first. Idk she kinda weird. I can’t undertand her.

  14. That’s so normal….its kinda ridiculous.

    Been married for over 25 years…have 3 amazing boys and we still have sex 3-4 times a week. Its more normal for things to settle in the longer the relationship. Not going to lie…when the wife takes the lead…it’s such a turn on.

  15. Not wrong at all, I’m a person to likes physical touch and I tend to want to cuddle and talk the moment I’m with a significant other. Like what’s the point to be around them if there’s no physical contact? Sex at its best, is often spontaneous! So I’d say do what feels natural and right to both you and him – but keep that communication open and share those thoughts with him – preferably while wrapped in each other’s arms 🙂

  16. This is normal, your brain is just full of abstinence-only nonsense.

    It’s good to be sexually attracted to your partner. It’s normal. And it’s been *a year*. That’s a perfectly reasonable amount of time.

  17. You’re both the youngest and probably horniest you’ll ever be, as long as you’re both happy and consenting with it I say go for it, there’s nothing to feel guilty about in wanting your partner!

  18. I’m much older than you & I still feel this way. I always thought guys would appreciate us…boy was I wrong 🥹

  19. That’s eros. Enjoy it, savor it… it’s like a flame; intense and fleeting. Just remember that it’s agape that makes for a lasting love, more like a tree slowly growing but lasting centuries.. but every forest needs a few fires to keep reinvigorating the soil. 😉

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