Basically, the title. I’ve been invited out to earlier and later drinks dates, but this one is awkward timing-wise in that it’s around dinner time… I don’t want to assume anything either way in terms of us also grabbing food there together or not, so I’m not sure what to do. Thoughts?

Additional context:

It’s a first date, and we’ve been talking for about 3 weeks now – almost every day – while he’s been traveling. We’re meeting at an actual restaurant, not just a bar.

Edit: Added a sentence to the first paragraph for clarity.

  1. Just ask him what he suggests lol plus eating before hand would make alcohol affect you less

  2. definitely eat a little bit before you go that way you aren’t drinking on an empty stomach!

  3. Ask if you’ll be eating, or just don’t eat and assume there’ll be some kinda food there. Most bars have at least light snacks so if you want some, get some. Either or doesn’t really matter. I’ve been on drinks dates where she’s eaten before and where they’ve not, if we’re hungry, we look at the menu

  4. Eat, I just went out on a similar date and the guy just ordered beers, not even appetizers lmao
    I felt dazed and sleepy/tired through the date, wouldn’t recommend

  5. Honestly…you are kinda overthinking it. Grab something to eat before or just order something at the restaurant. You do you and enjoy the experience.

  6. Order some snack at the bar either way. It slows down your drinking rate to take time to eat. You should always stay a couple drinks behind your date imo.

  7. I never go on a first (or up to date 5) without first putting 2 7-11 hotdogs and a couple of big, crunchy lines in me.

  8. i’d think it as a possibility to have a bite at a restaurant, so i would prepare by not eating that much, to keep an appetite for later on.

    this is what i would do if i went out with friends

  9. Eat a simple meal before hand. And maybe order something to munch on so if he gets food you’re not just sitting there

  10. I never do

    Either the date is trash and I’m out under an hour or it goes well and we move it to dinner somewhere local

  11. Sometimes on Reddit its like people don’t have the confidence to make even the tiniest decision themselves

  12. I would have a small something to eat prior to going out so I had food in my belly before a drink. If the date is going well maybe get an appetizer or if the date is a bust leave after the drink and go to a drive thru 😊

  13. Definitely eat prior!! No matter what. I’ve ended up in situations on dates because the guy kept ordering more I got too drunk on an empty stomach when they didn’t suggest dinner. Then you could always do an app if he gets food and you have already eaten

  14. I’d eat something personally. But I also would not want to just have to leave because I need to eat. Lol

  15. I would eat some thing high-protein before you go. Doesn’t have to be a lot just enough that you feel satisfied. That way the two of you decide to extend the first meet and have dinner, you at least have a ability to do that. Or conversely, if he decides he’s not eating you don’t need to.

  16. Wait, 7:30 pm is a dinner time? Where are you from guys? It’s interesting for me. Because for me dinner (the biggest meal of the day) is much earlier, like 1PM-5PM max (I am from central Europe – Poland). Everything after 7PM is a supper, and not too much, since it’s unhealthy to eat big amounts of food late.

    //EDIT: I google it and there is an interesting wikipedia article called “Dinner”, especially part called “Modern”. I am not linking it since I think it causes my comment to be removed by antispam system.

    I guess what I mean by “dinner” is actually a “lunch” in English language. But still for me the biggest meal is for lunch, and dinner (supper) is smaller, since it’s very unhealthy to eat much food that late

  17. Avoid drinking on an empty stomach and then leaving the venue with a man you barely know at all costs. Eat a snack before.

    Order a little something for yourself even if you end up not having a full dinner together. If you don’t want to do that: Bring some shelf-stable food in your bag e.g. nuts, protein bar, an apple, dry sausage… to excuse yourself and eat as soon a s possible if it becomes clear you are not going to eat there.

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