I’m a 22 year old dude who never been in a relationship and I had some success on dating apps in the past, but I’m just tired of using dating apps as I find it exhausting to keep searching for potential partners and hope that one matches and have a good ongoing conversation with. I don’t know where or how to go about asking a girl on a date or where to go(which I could go to bars, but I don’t want to find a girl there and I don’t drink anyway), I’m just tired of being lonely and such, any advice on getting a girlfriend?

  1. Volunteer for some kind of cause that you are in to. You’ll meet like minded people and you already have something in common. Plus if there are meet ups or events your volunteering at, you’ll know that you’re going to see them again. Good luck 🤞🏼

  2. Volunteer. Join an organisation with good mix of men and women. Don’t try to sleep your way through but focus on helping the organisation to be successful.

    Take action to improve your mental health. If you are a student, many schools have free or cheap counselling services available. Take advantage of as much as you can.

  3. Cooking classes, book clubs, volunteering, language learning groups, and any kind of artistic-oriented group tend to be mostly women.

  4. Work in a restaurant as a cook. Not all but lots of them have staff meals. Great for yourself. And more importantly you’ll be making the servers and hostess dinners. You’ll also learn a very valuable life skill cooking ! Source I worked at earls for 3 years

  5. Im 21and same as you. Relax. Focus on your goals first and you’ll have what you need.

    But your goals are subjective and what feel right to you. Don’t emulate someone else, or just take advice from others at face value. You need to sort your priorities. If a girlfriend is your priority, then go ahead, break out of your comfort zone. If you want to achieve, then go with a plan.

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