Why do you leave the clothes lying on the floor?

  1. God damn it Sharon it’s depression. The messy room symbolizes my messy mental state. Let me be a sad boi in my pig sty in peace.

  2. Because living in the first world is not without its problems. Namely, that the daily grind and the constant mental stimulation we voluntarily subject ourselves to keeps us feeling perpetually drained. And men generally allocate less brain power for simple, uninteresting tasks like picking up after oneself.

  3. Sorry, you have me confused with my wife. I put my clothes in the hamper, my wife likes to toss her’s on the floor .

  4. Ive got 3 logical explanations for my reasoning. One is my disorganization, which is a work in progress, two is im in a rush to switch clothes to get going on something else and three is im just sometimes lazy and tired and collapse on the couch.

  5. I’ll probably wear it again later. When I’m done wearing it I will put it in the dirty clothes basket.

  6. If I’m going to bed and forgot to go nude at bathroom, I put it on the floor to take with me when I go up.

  7. Sometimes I wear the same clothes more than once (like a hoodie) or my laundry basket is full of clean clothes I don’t feel like putting away yet.

  8. It’s not sweaty and I may want to wear it later. If I put it on the coat hanger, I’ll forget about it.

  9. We have a place for clean and dirty clothes… but for “in between”? The floor is a good option.

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