So, I(21M) have been with my partner(21F) for 6 years. We were each others firsts for everything. We have good periods, and bad periods, where we’ve gone several weeks, upwards of two-three months without sex, because of overlapping issues. I knew her libido was low from a bit in to our relationship, but I thought it might increase as we grew older, which hasn’t really been the case.

I think my biggest issue is that, I feel completely lost when trying to initiate. If she is not in the mood at the time, it’s a no, which is fair! But there’s no follow up. If I ask her what turns her on, she says she doesn’t know. It has gotten to the point where she has to be the one to initiate, and I feel like I can’t say no, while I’m getting a no 9/10 times. I’ve felt unnatractive at times because of the constant inability to initiate anything, and when I communicate that to her, she always tells me I am attractive and whatnot, but it’s tough feeling it when none of my advances succeed.

It feels like our sex life is at her mercy, and I have little to no say in it.

1 comment
  1. Is she unhappy? Any medical problems? Is she obese?

    Sometimes medical issues can cause lack of sex drive. At 21 if she were healthy she would be having sex or rubbing one out most every day.

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