What was your dream job as a kid vs your job now as an adult?

  1. I wanted to be a singer but now I want to work with inmates to help them better their lives lol

  2. I wanted to be a drummer for a punk band in middle/high school.

    I ended up a mental health counselor. I work primarily with kids and teens, but I see adults as well.

  3. Something with animals like a vet or zoologist. Ended up being a teacher for 7 year olds so close enough.

  4. I wanted to be a veterinarian by day and Batwoman by night. I’m a Unit Production Manager, which resembles Batwoman more then a vet.

  5. I had several: lawyer, writer/illustrator, and architect.

    I did go to law school briefly and hated it. Now work in the social media/influencer/sponsorship space.

  6. I was interested in space, particularly black holes. I wanted to be some space researcher of some kind. Growing up, I never had an ideal set career path. In high school, I just wrote down Marketing Manager because they made a lot. I still wasnt sure but I still love black holes.

    I am now a risk analyst at a large company. Work is doable. I’m a subject matter expert. But I think it’s enjoyable because of my team, the atmosphere, and the great benefits. I wouldnt mind if this was my forever job.

    Space is still cool though.

  7. I wanted to be a nurse since I was 6. I’m in my last year of nursing school and currently working as an assistant

  8. I didn’t really dream about actual jobs until I was closer to a preteen. I wanted to be an interior decorator or architect because I somehow watched a ton of Trading Spaces and Extreme Home Makeover at those ages.

    I ended up working in the affordable housing industry, and am indirectly responsible for finding homeless people a permanent home. I guess it’s not that far off.

    Edit: Oh, I also wanted to briefly run an ice cream shop. And be an author. I write as a hobby, but have never been published…yet.

  9. – Dream job as a kid: Working in a cartoon studio creating cartoons

    I live on disability checks but my dream job now is fashion designer

  10. Journalist! Initially I wanted to be an international on-air reporter (war zone coverage, protests, etc.) but in high school I found I love writing, particularly in the journalistic style. It is a fun mental puzzle to factually write all relevant facts in an objective simple digestible way. Plus, the investigation and fact gathering is like detective work.

    Did a semester in college toward it but ultimately got a degree in Public Policy. Now I work in healthcare compliance which barely has any relevance to my degree and nothing to do with journalism lol

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