How big was your collection? Do you still have it? If not what became of it?

Edit: If you have photos of your collections please share!

  1. I collected the full set of tintin comics, I still read them occasionally now and don’t think I’d ever part with them. Don’t think they have much value though.

  2. Sabrina the Teenage Witch magazine and Pokémon cards.

    I think I may still have the magazines somewhere. The Pokémon cards disappeared without a trace. I had a good collection too.

  3. Stamps. My mum encouraged me to sell them when I moved out. I made an absolute pittance compared to the effort and time I’d put in, as well as throwing away the generosity of people who had contributed over the years. I regret caving to that every time I think of it.

    Don’t listen to them, you do you.


    One day we were driving through a town and I saw a bookmarker shop and said to my mum, “Oh we should go in there one day!” and she just laughed at me.

    William Hill Bookmakers.

  5. Warhammer, the old lead ones. Had a pretty big army of chaos and nurgle, including the great unclean one. Once I was an adult I lost interest and gave them to my sister in laws sister, who used them for a bit then threw them away when she got bored . Turns out if I’d kept them I could’ve sold them for a decent amount of money nowadays . Ah well nevermind

  6. Various ailments. Rickets, scurvy, lumbago, lung fish. It was tough growing up in The North in the sixties.

  7. Lego when I was really young – had a huge green chest of the stuff. I believe it ended up with the out-of-school club my mum founded.

    Teen years I bought novels, roughly a 1000 by the time I moved out of my parents place. Mainly Discworld, Star Wars/Trek, WHF/40k and a multitude of other scifi and fantasy authors. Also had a brief dip in crime fiction as well.

    Sadly when I left home I just didn’t have the space for most of it, so it was pruned and sent to charity shops. The ones I knew I wanted for when I got a bigger place are in my grans house for long-term storage. Last I heard, my aunt had pinched half of my Pratchett collection,

  8. Pogs, Polly Pockets, Fabuland Lego and Care Bears. None of it survives, my mum hates anything she considers clutter and when she kicked me out at 17yrs old she threw away everything that was in my bedroom.

  9. I used to collect shells and fossils. I had them all displayed with name tags just like a museum exhibit, I was really proud of them. My mum threw them away because she thought it was mess. Kind of put me off collecting for a long time.

  10. Marbles. 100s of them. Diddy ones, massive ones, chipped ones, glass ones, porcelain ones and the odd ball bearing too.

    Used to set up my plastic track for cars all across the house and ‘race’ them or just try and see how many would stay on the track. Enabled me to collect loads of swear words too from when my Dad would stand on them.

    I moved out and at some point mum n dad binned them all. Shame, as at my age now I have literally and figuratively lost my marbles.

  11. Panini football stickers and Pro Set football cards.

    Edit: I think they’re in the loft at my Dad’s house still

  12. I had ~~thousands~~ hundreds of Pokemon cards. Back in thr late 90s early naughties too, when it was gen 1 and still good (yes, I had several duplicates and shinies). And many in mint condition.

    My mum threw them out without telling me. I cried.

  13. I used to try and collect *Beano* comics but my Mum kept finding them and throwing them away (so i threw out her magazines when they arrived in the post…… i was a petty child X))

  14. Bouncy balls. Every time I went to Safeway I got a 20p bouncy ball from the machine and was so excited to see what new design I’d get haha

  15. I collected Spiderman and X-Men comics that were sold in Tesco in the late 90’s and early 00’s. Spent my pocket money on them every month for about 5 years. Still have a lot of them in shoeboxes I kept them in but I don’t think it’s all of them, the others are either in my parents lofts or have been binned.

  16. My brother told me his pal farted in the bath and caught it in a jar, always wanted to catch one of my own – might go for a bath later, will keep everyone updated.

  17. We had a wasps nest somewhere in our attic or just outside under the roof of our house and wasps used to appear dead on my bedroom window sill every other day so I started collecting them. I dipped them in glue as a kind of varnish to preserve them and kept them in a jar. I had quite a lot. I don’t have them now.

  18. BT Phonecards, all different designs. Think my parents still have a shoe box full of them somewhere.

  19. Miniature glassware. Tiny glasses, bottles, perfume bottles. If it was made of glass and unfeasibly small, I wanted it. I’d comb through car boots and jumble sales as well as junk shops and antique shops. Had to get rid of it all when I left home.

  20. The B&Q colour cards. When they had a gradient of five colours. Something about holding a block of so many colours had me in a vice. My mum made me throw them out.

  21. Matchbox cars, had about150. i think mainly donated to charity shops and partly thrown away. probably not worth huge amount now as they were well played with.

  22. Beanie Babies! I had quite a few. I feel like everyone did who was born in The 90s 😅 And I definitely remember being told they’d be worth something someday. I collected Pokemon cards too even though I was never really into the trading card game, I liked the games and the anime

  23. Scottish premier league football stickers. Every lunchtime at school when trying to arrange trades: “got, got, got, need, got”

    Also Beano and Dandy comics

  24. I collected those [football shirt pencil toppers]( You got them in your Sugar Puffs. No idea what I did with them after lining them up on a green stand I probably begged my parents for and then the fascination wore off.

    Also collected Pogs. I remember going to a carboot and buying a metal one that looked like a saw blade.

    I was a cool kid.

  25. Not me, as I am fickle and easily distracted, but a girl I went to school with collected paper napkins. The square folded ones that come in all different designs, like you’d have at a party. She had several folders and poly pockets full of all these different napkins, and she brought it in to school for Sharing Time when we were about 9/10. I still think about that decades later

  26. Key rings! I don’t know how I had so many as it’s not like I went to a lot of touristy places or gift shops anything, but I had hundreds of them!

  27. Wade Whimsies. Still have my collection from the 70’s and occasionally add to it if I see any in charity shops.

  28. i was a strange child, i used to write down registration numbers of cars that drove past my house

  29. Model aircraft from WW2 to modern fighters, literally over 300 assembled & painted models.

    Got knocked down by a car when I was 14. Spent 3 months in hospital, came out to my parents had redecorated my room and thrown out all my models – as I was getting ‘too old’ for them. The embers of rage still reside deep down!

  30. Still got a stamp album from the 1980’s. Used to but stamps in bags from WH Smiths. For some reason I don’t fully understand, they always had loads of Czechoslovakian stamps. I quite liked that though, as I have family over there.

  31. Model dinosaurs. I’d go to the car boot sale with £2 and try to come back with as many dinosaurs as possible.

    I had over 300 in the end, and even now I can’t bring myself to get rid of them.

  32. Ceramic owls. And, even better, when I was a pre-teen, I read about how poltergeists tend to strike as you enter your teens and break your stuff so I spent my twelfth year worriedly planning how best to protect my collection and putting them into bubblewrap in anticipation of my thirteenth birthday. Yep. I was a weird kid.

    I have 3 of them left. The rest did survive my teenage years, unmolested by poltergeists and might still be in my parents attic but who knows.

  33. Slag.

    On the opposite side of the small valley I grew up in there used to be a copper works. The ‘Slag Heaps’ were still there decades after it was taken down. The stones these heaps were made of, man they were beautiful, covered in a sort of oil-spill of melting colour. I loved them and had a big’ol collection of my favourite specimens.

    I once tried to hold a wall climbing contest at my house with the neighbour kids, focused on this old stone wall at the end of our garden. The prize was my favourite stone, this big green/teal thing the size of a kids head. Suffice to say the rest of the gang didn’t see the appeal. I think I made the winner 2 slices of toast instead?

    Anyway, they’re now in the path at the front of the house. When dad concreted it a couple of years after I’d lost interest he threw them in as aggregate. I jetwashed it the other day and saw all these little islands of colour. Was a nice little surprise that as I’d forgotten all about them.

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