What does “working on yourself” look like to you?

  1. It means looking at myself and my shortcomings objectively and head on. And then doing something about it.

  2. Therapy, working out, and figuring out my interests. For me, it was focusing on me through therapy and just living my life.

  3. Going to therapy, actually talking about my problems when they come up instead of ignoring them, making sure I take a walk & drink enough.

  4. Eating healthy (not starving myself). Working out (a normal amount – not excessively). Going to bed early. Addressing bad habits/mindsets. Reading. Writing.

    I’m a very black and white and go big or go home kinda person. So usually I’m trying to find the middle ground and live there.

  5. buying new socks, throwing away the old socks.. they are the most critical item when it comes to daily comfort

  6. Being very mindful of how I speak to myself and being compassionate as if I were speaking to a child version of me. Before therapy I would always put myself down and downplay my feelings, wants, and needs yet wonder why they were never being met by others. Now I’m learning how to identify what those needs are and how I can give that to myself

  7. I’m continually ‘working on myself’. I break it down into categories; Health (mind and body), finances, social, beauty, personal development (skills) and ‘other’ 🙂

  8. Drinking water, taking my meds, trying to stop being rude to myself, be patient on my mental health progress and trying to eat as healthy as I can

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