I (29m) have been sharing a house with 5 others including a 22f for the past six months.

I’ve had a crush on her for the whole lease but never wanted to say anything for fear of making the living situation awkward. We text a lot, have hung out one on one a few times, have a great connection.

Today she asked me if I was planning to extend my lease – I told her I wasn’t. I partly want to be in a nearby city with more to do, less commuting, more independence.

What I haven’t said is that knowing the lease is coming to an end may finally give me the excuse to ask her out properly and escalate the relationship, which is tricky when sharing a house.

I wonder though, on the off chance that you did have mutual feelings for a guy/girl, would you take them moving out as a kick in the teeth? A sign they weren’t into you?

  1. i dont think so. probably a sign that you found something better, have other goals/priorities in mind. you have your reasons for moving out which is reasonable. i mean if you told her that you would like to get together, than i mean that should erase that doubt if it was even in their mind

  2. I hope this isn’t the only reason you are moving….is the new place better than the old one in some way other than not having your crush living there?

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