I’m someone who is fine talking to people over text and verbally. But I find it much more comfortable to talk to people via text. This has led me to respond to someone’s text right away. My reasoning behind this is I don’t want the other person to wait to get a response. I text them back right away.

Now the thing is, I don’t get texts from others as frequently. I’ve realized that with the people who I do text back right away, most of them don’t reciprocate with the same speed. That’s perfectly fine. If I’m free enough to text someone doesn’t mean they are as well. But over the past few months it’s made me feel bad. I have second thoughts about responding to texts that I rarely get. Whenever I get a text from someone, I instinctively check it but hold off on responding to it right away cause I don’t want to seem like I’m someone who doesn’t have anything to do all day, (even though that’s normally the case, I know, I’m working on it) or am just that desperate.

Am I doing something wrong? Should I stick to my original way of responding right away, or should I do something different? Waiting a bit to respond to someone’s text when I know they have texted me is sort of painful and annoying. I understand that when people take time to respond back, it means that they are busy with some other things.

  1. I don’t think it’s wrong to match people’s energy when it comes to texting. I didn’t care originally but it seems most people do care, so play the game I guess.

  2. Controlling impulses is a fantastic skill with lots of benefits. I think you playing the texting game with some delays is good practice.

  3. you’re you! you could try to slow down, maybe it’ll bring you some peace, but at the end of the day replying quickly is just something you do. everyone is different, I wouldn’t worry about it.
    coming from someone who often completely forgets to respond to people :/

  4. Nobody likes people who are sitting around doing nothing. It’s a fact for some reason or another. Yeah slow down your texting. Trust me.

  5. I cannot speak for everybody here, but I’ll share my view. I have a friend who does the same as you. He’s the kindest, most caring person I’ve ever known, and he usually responds before I finish typing out a second message.

    But I personally find it a little overwhelming sometimes where I feel the need to match his speed. I’m not that good at keeping on top of communicating with people really fast, so sometimes I feel guilty for not answering him right away.

    It’s lead to times where I don’t feel I have the energy to talk to him, just because I feel I’ll have to respond quickly.

    You should definitely carry on reaching out to people to talk, but responding right away can be a bit heavy for people like me who need to take their time!

  6. I guess I’m the only one who thinks it’s fine to reply right away. I agree that it’s kinda dumb to purposefully wait but then I also do wait cuz chronic procrastinator. I admit I will make someone wait who has made me wait in past cuz they didn’t gaf so why should I

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