If a man is still trying to hit on a woman after she said no. What do you guys think a woman should say to him to he back off?

  1. It really depends on the situation. But in principle, it’s easy to say that a person should not interfere with her and leave her. Well, as a last resort, use pepper spray.

  2. Insults are virtually infinite. Just be careful not to go overboard with someone who could get violent or be vindictive.

  3. As sad as it is, I think your best chance of success is to 0 to 100 real quick.

    Meaning first time it might be, “No. Thank you, but I’m not interested/I’m taken/I’m not looking to get into a relationship right now/etc”


    It’ll make him think he dodged a bullet, and you’ll actually have just put an end to it.

    Also, it sucks that from seeing and hearing how other men can be, that this is the first thing that popped into my mind that would have a high success rate.

  4. i feel like only one of these answers would work in such a situation

    edit: nvm i just realised that one could also be dangerous

  5. Tell him very loudly that he’s making you feel very uncomfortable and unsafe by not respecting your boundaries and leaving you alone.

  6. “I’m sorry. I am not interested. It’s nothing personal. Please leave me alone.” Walk away.

    That should be enough…

  7. First, I think there is more to this story than is presented here. Some guy coming up, grabbing your phone, and happens to go to the same gym says he’s not some rando. There likely was some kind of interaction before things went sideways.

    Regardless, he’s out of line right from the moment he grabbed the phone. For guys like this you need to draw attention to him and his behavior. He’s running around the same gym harassing you. A good and loud “No. Stop talking to me! We are not friends!” is a place to start. If that doesn’t work then complain to the gym staff about the harassment. If they don’t do anything take it to social media to name both him and that gym for harassment.

  8. I said “no”. What do I need to do, call the cops? Fuck off.

    But maybe save that last bit for when you’re surrounded by plenty of potentially sympathetic witnesses.

  9. Easy! Just say the usual thing, “I’m seeing someone else.”

    If he says, he wanna be friends or hang out “I don’t wanna hurt him, he knows about you.”

  10. “I don’t date special needs people”
    “… ??”
    “You don’t know the word “no”, so I guess you have to be retarded or something”

  11. Some guys confuse women playing “hard to get” with “fuck off, Creep”

    If the girl has said no nicely, then putting it in **sterner terms** that cannot possibly be misinterpreted is the proper escalation

  12. In public: “In how many languages do you want me to decline your advances? English doesn’t seem to be good enough for you.”

  13. I would just make sure to get loud about the rejection so everyone around you can tell the guy is being a creep

  14. I like to get real creepy when someone won’t back off. Just ask if you can have some of their fingernail clippings or something, it’s kinda fun to see what crazy shit you can ask for before they get weirded out. I find that creepy dudes that don’t care about “no” always have some response for the “leave me alone” excuses you give, but are never prepared for their target to make them really uncomfortable.

  15. Slightly unrelates but is it just me or is this disney’s fault? Just kidding of course, but its uncanny how many times they push the “no means try harder” message

  16. “I have a boyfriend” is weirdly effective. Some dudes don’t seem to care that they’re making a woman uncomfortable, but don’t want to step on another man’s toes. It’s weird as shit.

    If that fails, find some friends or call a friend. Something that brings other people into the situation so that the dude will feel ganged up on if he continues.

  17. i guess the only way i could think of is if you find the biggest meanest looking dude in the room go over and introduce him as your boyfriend to the aggressive guy. Guy will piss off pretty quickly most likely. However I have no idea if this will actually work? Bigger dude could be a bigger jackhole

  18. My friend, a taller girl, would do this: she’d make her voice go as deep as possible and say “honey, listen, I know you want to party, but I need to get on a new hormone regiment and I won’t get on it for another two months, so I’m off estrogen another three months. Sorry, I don’t think I’m what you’re looking for…” she’d smile and say “unless you’re a power bottom, that is.”

    She said the guys would back off at that point.

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