What is age 25 too old for?

  1. Feeling embarrassed about the music you listen to

    Honestly don’t know why anyone is like it but like…come on

  2. When I was 25 I didn’t want to date younger at all. I felt men my age were already immature enough. But the lowest I would date if I met a guy and was super interested would be 21 because its kind of hard to date someone in the US where the drinking age is 21 and if you want to go out with friends to 21 plus place your significant other has to have fake id or they can’t go. Problems and bitterness arises.

  3. Travel, enjoy yourself. Have fun. Enjoy health.
    – to old nothing get out do it. I would kill to be 25. I’m 33 and health and mental health took a impact on my life.. so enjoy those younger years.

  4. Kiddieland, Chuck E Cheese without a kid in tow, dating teenagers, and Mom calling your professor or boss.

    Other than that? Watch cartoons, play Pokemon, eat dino nuggets, wear pigtails, cry as much as you need, ask for help, eat or drink anything, have one night stands, and enjoy being human. 25 is a good age.

  5. Caring what people think about you. Being jealous of other people and comparing yourself to them (wish i learned this sooner) trying to impress others. Racking up lots of debt on expensive things you don’t need. Getting drunk every weekend. Reckless driving.

  6. My mom died unexpectedly on my 25th birthday, so my view of 25 is kind of skewed. I’m glad that some people get to have that mid-20s carefree vibe. As long as you’re not dating teenagers or something, go on and be happy. I wish I were.

  7. In light of Thanksgiving coming up, if you’re in the U.S. and over 25, you’re too old to be showing up without a contribution. Even if it’s cups and napkins, or a bouquet for the host house, or a bottle of wine; bring something, you’re too old to be a mooching ass.

  8. Making excuses as to why you won’t/can’t/shouldn’t help yourself. You’re an adult. If you want or need to get something done, get off your butt and stop making excuses. You’ll never get what you need/want if you continually make excuses. Whining and complaining doesn’t help. It’s okay to whine and complain. Just make sure you whine and complain AND do something about it, whatever ‘it’ may be.

  9. Imo high school type of gossiping and bullying. Yet again I know 40 year olds that still do that so

  10. Being confused with “mixed signals”. Time to learn to start requiring proper communication and follow through when dating other people. Don’t keep hanging on to someone who is “bad at texting” or is too busy to commit to plans with you/keeps cancelling plans. You know you don’t want to end up with someone who does that, so don’t think you have to settle for it for any reason.

  11. literally nothing (minus the dating high schoolers, but I think that’s a legal given)

    have fun, don’t worry about how old you’re getting – do whatever the fuck you wanna do, and don’t compare yourself to other people the same age who are on a different path. enjoy your life and your twenties.

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