I almost never watch local news because half of the content on it is really uneventful or cringeworthy, but everyone I know who is 50+ watches the local 5pm news every night. Maybe it’s a generational thing?

  1. Not all local affiliates are equal but it can be a good rundown for the days news.

    I don’t tune in nowadays but I’ve watched it before, and I’ll pull up portions on YouTube every now and then.

  2. I don’t really, mainly because I don’t really care too much about what happens in New York City or Philly, and that’s what any of my local channels will focus on.

    Am 48. But for people older than me it’s just ingrained habit. That’s what you did back in the day.

  3. I’m more likely to check the local radio station’s website for local news. Same content with less fluff.

  4. Never. The only time I watch the local news is usually in the morning as background noise while I get ready so I can get a traffic update. I do the same thing when I’m traveling for work so I know the traffic situation and if there are any events going on I should look out for.

  5. Well, I’m over 50 and was a child in an era when local news was much better done than now (anchor Dick Cable was our own local Walter Cronkite, back in the day). I haven’t watched the 5 o’clock news since 1988 and stopped regularly watching local morning news around 1998.

    My dad still watches the morning or noon local news here sometimes, and it is so shallow and smarmy that I can’t stand it. Unfortunately, our local newspaper is 100% paywalled and the quality of the reporting is so erratic that I’m not eager to pay for it. So I know less about what’s going on locally than I’d like, but none of the obvious solutions are very good.

  6. For at least twenty years I have habitually turned on the morning local news immediately after I wake up for work. I have the volume turned up loud enough so that I can hear it from the kitchen and the bathroom.

  7. I don’t have cable so very rare. I find out the important local stuff mostly from my grandma or by word of mouth since I live in a small town.

  8. In the background as I get ready in the morning. Traffic and weather usually seep through my pre coffee morning fog.

  9. During the week? Everyday at noon.

    I’m a caregiver for a family member.

    It’s a thing. Noon News is watched everyday. KENS5 San Antonio.

  10. I’m in my 40s. My wife still watches local news in the morning. I can’t stand it. The commercials are even worse.

  11. All the time because I care a lot more about what’s happening in my local area then whatever drama national news wants to push down my throat.

  12. I sometimes watch the news, it just depends on my mood or want to know more about the weather. I don’t have cable/sat so my only option would be local news.

  13. I’m over 50. I used to watch the news years ago but ever since the internet became the quickest source of news I no longer see the point.

  14. Never, as they’re not streaming, and I don’t want to put up an antenna. Am 50+. I used to get them on basic cable, but most of the news was about Albuquerque and El Paso, and neither of those places interest me.

  15. I don’t know anyone my age that does. But our parents and grandparents all seem too.

    I’m 38 for reference.

  16. I haven’t watched *any* news since I lived with my parents 15 years ago. I read all my news.

    I do occasionally pick up the local news on NPR while driving, less so now that I work from home.

  17. I’m 42 and watch local news almost every day. I watch the 5:00am news primarily for weather and traffic, but will watch all or nearly all of the 5:00pm and 6:00pm news.

  18. I’ve always had the news on in the mornings while I get ready for the day, but I wouldn’t call it actively watching. More background noise than anything. Haven’t watched the nightly news since I got a smartphone and can read all the news as it happens through the day.

  19. I think it’s more of a rural vs urban thing than it is generational. People in rural areas pay more attention to local news as it more immediately affects their world. People in larger population centers tend to be more global and pay more attention to national or international news.

    That is just my observation from having lived in both, though, I’m sure many people buck that trend or pay roughly equal attention to both.

  20. At this point literally never.

    I read our local paper but I find news stations in general so annoying I don’t bother with them. I find all news channels so annoying I don’t bother with them.

  21. Unless there’s a weather event, never.

    In fact, all television news is pretty much crap. I can read three dozen news stories in the amount of time it takes them to cover four or five, along with a bunch of car commercials, and wrapped up with the cute human interest story everyone loves so much.

  22. I watch when the tornado sirens go off to get local weather updates. Sometimes for pre/post game coverage of home Chiefs games.

  23. Over 50 and a Florida farmer, watch local news in the am only long enough to know what clothes to put on when I get out of bed. Also watch during hurricanes.

    The anchors basically high five each other eagerly hoping for a Cat 87 hurricane with 1000 mph winds that causes maximum destruction. Bldgs collapsing into the ocean causes them to orgasm.

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