I want to date and to meet someone but I am very much a home body, I don’t want to go out and meet people I don’t know.
I don’t trust people easily, I don’t like people romantically very easily and I really hate the idea of getting to know someone just to find I’m not interested.

I know I should be more active in my dating life but also I’m keeping myself safe from unnecessary annoyances and upsets.

Today I added someone I used to have a crush on but had lost contact, I thought I might carefully find out about them and their life, see if I’m interested and then see if they are but without them knowing.

They were immediately interested and so pushy I ended up pretending I was seeing someone and that didn’t even get them to back off.

I don’t like pushy people, I don’t like people assuming I want to date when I don’t know them (dating apps when you’ve only sent a couple of messages)

Dating should be about getting to know someone and seeing if you’re both interested but I don’t feel like this is what it is anymore, I feel like your expected to already be interested. I don’t know if that makes sense.

I just want to safely and quietly date without expectations or pushing.

I worry a lot about my future because I’m just too gaurded against people and have a negative byas towards men.
There’s a nice guy I know that for ages I’ve considered asking out but I know the second I do, that’s it then. I either have to be interested or not interested and that in itself is tough.

I know this is really rambly but I just needed to get out my thoughts and maybe get some advice, what do you do when you are so gaurded against people?

1 comment
  1. You are scared about people and you prefer to be safe at home. That’s understandable and also makes almost impossible to get to know people of course.

    I feel you with the part of people being pushy, I hate it, I like patient people not the ones who are in an odd rush.

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