So this guy and I have met in salsa class and later went to a Latin music club earlier this week. We danced and drank and then I went to his as we’re attracted to each other and he has my backpack. I stayed the night. We made out at one point but there was no sex. If it was up to him, we’d make out and cuddle for at least an hour but to me that feels weird in general and I was tired.

See I would love to peg a hot, fit guy who can dance but I don’t want to drag it out months or years before then. The night I stayed at his place I said that there’s a particular kink I like but it’s too early to say now and I gave him a clue saying something along the lines of…

“It’s something some gay men do but unless you have an inclination for it, it’s not really something a lot straight men consider.”

He had no clue what I meant. I changed the subject. Yes I know the hint wasn’t good.

I’m going on a date with him tonight at a restaurant. Of course, he’s more than just a hot, fit guy who can dance and I could maybe peg. If he turns out to be an asshole or we just don’t click as much as I thought we would, I’ll end it fast. But I do want to be in a relationship that involves pegging on a monthly basis.

Sorry if I sound annoying. I’m writing this post faster than I usually write. I’m 21F and he’s 27M. He has also moved to the UK from India 2 months ago and I wouldn’t be surprised if pegging there is even more taboo than it is in Europe.

  1. Pegging is absolutely something many straight men are into. I think you are positioning it in a way that will make him say no if he’s at all insecure about being perceived as gay. Men in the know understand their prostate is up their and earth shattering orgasms can follow. I would say something like, “it can be the most intense pleasure you can give a man if he’s open to it and I enjoy being in control of that pleasure. I also get off on the role reversal.” Pegging in no way shape or form is about homosexual inclinations and he needs to know you’re not trying to emasculate him. You also need to be prepared for it being a no go for him and deciding if that’s a deal breaker for you.

  2. Generally speaking: not a first or second date topic… wait until things get serious a mouth to start talking about sexual likes and preferences – that’s the opportunity… and most couples do explore that topic in the early stages of a relationship…

    Alternatively: if/when you get to sexual relations, offer up a little ass play while giving oral… rub a little, like and prod – see how he reacts… and if he is into it, take it to the next level and introduce a vibe…

    Baby steps, but without waiting months or years – just be direct, when asked (or when asking)… many guys will entertain nearly anything for the right partner 😉

    Hope that helps.

  3. Outside of the bedroom.

    Be clear and direct so you can both move on smoothly if you’re not the right fit for one another. So don’t hint.

    Also, don’t insult a straight guy’s heterosexuality by bringing it up as something gay dudes are into.

  4. I would say just mention it clearly, no hints, when you get to the point of talking about sex. I really just don’t think poeple should have sex if they aren’t talking about sex.

  5. “So hey, we have a few dates now, and I’ve enjoyed them. I’d like to see more of you. Also, I wanted to let you know that I’m very open-minded sexually, and I’d really like explore pegging. If that’s something you’ve had an interest in or are open to, we could definitely have fun! If not, no harm no foul and we can go our separate ways. So what do you think?”

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