I had sex last night with this guy and I like him a lot the sex was good but he sweated a lot during it! Like literally got my pillow soaked with sweat. I don’t know if I can keep having sex with him if he’s always going to be sweating like that. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a solution? Also how do I bring it up with him without hurting his feelings?

  1. Put on a fan. If he is being very active and it gets hot then air flow and it being a bit cooler will help. Some people run warmer or cooler than others and so need it warmer or cooler to be comfortable.

  2. Sweating is either a physiological function for the body to remove excess heat, or a means to remove toxins or restore homeostatic balance internally.

    So along those lines, was it hot in the room? Is he out of shape? Was he drinking or using excessively? Or does he have any medical conditions? Most commonly it’s going to be the first two, heat or exertion. It could be any of those though, so all may need to be considered.

    Some sweating is normal, but excessive sweating is a sign of something not being quite right. Bringing it up can’t change that he sweats a lot in and of itself, but addressing the problem might. I might bring it up to someone as a health concern myself. Unless it was just obviously hot in the room, in which case, adjusting the temperature is the easy fix.

  3. So I used to be this guy. Like 12 years ago I was really into this girl and we had sex 3-4 times a day. I was really out of shape and would sweat profusely. I hated it bc embarrassed. Over the course of a summer I lost a metric fuckton, pun intended bc I’m certain it was the sexercise that helped. I literally lost over 100 lbs in 4 months. All of a sudden I could go for hours. Didn’t get winded. Normal sweating only.

    Then she dumped me bc she liked the sweat and size from before. WAT.

    Anyway, it has only ever happened to me when I was sadly out of shape. I’ve known others to whom it happened that it was just bc they naturally sweat a lot and it’s an ongoing thing for them.

    Regardless, did you like it in the moment? If you did, there’s always waterproof sheets and pillowcases.

  4. Did he shower just before sex? I always am warm after a shower and will sweat more if we get physical before I cool down a little.

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